Who I Am PT 1 Read Count : 111

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
As I drove into the parking lot,I took a deep breath. I could hear booming music coming from the club,which made me think about how I could prevent my eardrums from exploding. I quickly glanced at a pair of wireless headphones I packed,remembering that I brought them along just in case. It isn't easy being autistic. Especially when walking into a club. I parked my car and got out,inhaling the fresh air of the night. It was cold and misty and possibly really late at night. I grabbed my license and headphones and walked to the line of people at the entrance. We had to have an ID check before entering. Once it was my turn,I simply gave the guard my license. He just nodded and handed it back to me. "Come in,m'am," the guard said,giving me a little push. I just glanced back at him and then put my headphones on. I walked into the club,looking around for Melody and Anthony. Melody was my big sister and Anthony was my partner. I saw them talking at the bar,my sister holding a bottle of beer and Anthony holding a shotglass full of vodka. Anthony was quite the daredevil,and also autistic like me.

 I walked to the bar and looked at them,hoping they would notice I was there. Anthony looked at me and smiled,then handed me a shotglass filled with vodka. "Try some,you'll be surprised," he said,giving me a wink. I simply took it and quickly drank it,then realising how strong alchohol was. Melody noticed the cringey look on my face after drinking it. She just smiled,and almost spat out her beer when I exclaimed "DAMN THAT IS STRONG!!". I also laughed at how cringey I was being. "C'mon,let's go dance," Anthony said,taking my hand and leading me to the dancefloor. Loud music was playing,but also my favourite remix called 'Hot Milk'. I just danced along to the rythm. Anthony soon started doing the same. He always liked to do things with me,especially singing and dancing. Just then,I looked at Melody. I then realised she was drunk. I just sighed and shook my head,then ran over to the bar to grab Melody. "Sorry,but me and Mel need to go home now," I said to Anthony,and he just smiled and waved goodbye. As me and Melody drove home,I glanced at her. She was in the passenger seat,the one next to me. I just smiled and looked at our destination. Home.

I took off my shoes and helped Melody into bed. I then got dressed into my pyjamas and headed to my room. Anthony then laid down next to me. He looked relaxed,happy that we had a good night. I smiled and gave him a kiss. "Goodnight,Evie," Anthony said as he turned off the lights.

                                 "Goodnight," I replied before falling asleep.


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