Blood Bond Bk2 Ch7 Read Count : 119

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Ch7- Gives you Hell 

Cassie was looking out of her window and saw the cars bellow racing down below and was brought out of her thoughts by Adrian who kissed her she kissed him back they both had a bit of time to themselves and fell asleep together.

When they woke up both Kato and Isaac where staring at them "King Isaac I'm very sorry and Prince Kato" Adrian said fearing the worst was about to happen.

"Relax Adrian you're lucky we like you and we know you truly care for Cassandra" Isaac said.

"Kato i'm sorry about trying to scratch you the other day" Cassie said from her position on the bed.

"Cassie you know ill always love you now both of you need to get dressed" Kato said

Kato and Isaac left Cassie and Adrian to get dressed.

"That was odd" Adrian said Cassie agreed that it was odd but didn't question it as she went to get some breakfast that Kato had made.

Katie and Ronnie had ran into the room and over to Kato and Isaac who picked them up "Why good morning how are we this morning?" Isaac asked Katie who was rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

"Can we go shopping later with the girls Daryl and our mum are out on a date and they said we have to listen and be good for you" Katie said.

"Well that's really up to my daughter Cassandra" Isaac said looking over at her "Sure you can both come I think it would be great if we all go" Cassandra said.

Faidon wasn't thrilled with the idea of going shopping then Katie appeared by his side and spoke "Can I give you a makeover?" she asked.

"Hell no human child" Faidon replied which made her start to cry

"Oh nice going Faidon" Brooklyn said as he hugged Katie until she stopped crying.

"Fine i'm sorry Katie do what you want with me" he said Faidon lay back as the little girl was now adding stuff to his face then after a few moments she was done "Wow I have to say Faidon you are most beautiful now" Brooklyn said.

Faidon looked in the mirror and saw Purple eye shadow and glitter on his eye lids and he was wearing lipstick and blush on his cheeks.

"You speak of this to anyone Morgan and ill pull out your feathers" Faidon said as Morgan quickly stopped laughing.

Brooklyn cleared Faidon up in the other room "Faidon do you remember when we use to date" Brooklyn said.

"Our one night stand you mean" Faidon commented Brooklyn glared at him then spoke "Your a dick if you think that's all it was" Brooklyn said getting angry and upset.

Morgan had appeared at the door "We are heading out now" he said noticing the tension in the room and wondering what was going on.

Brooklyn and Faidon just ignored his questions and walked on once at the shopping mall the girls Cassie, Meredith,Eve, Amy and Grace went to try clothes on while Brooklyn took Ronnie and Katie for something to eat.

"Hey Adrian, wait up I have something for you" Kato said as he passed a present to Adrian who took it "Kato you didn't need to get me anything" Adrian protested.

Kato silenced him by placing a finger to his mouth "Adrian you're the one vampire on my sire line I can trust and its only something small after all and it was Isaac's idea" Kato said as he watched Adrian take out the watch from the box.

Kato put it on Adrian's wrist "Thanks I like it but no more secret gifts Kato" Adrian said Kato nodded and walked off with Isaac who was nearby looking in one of the shop windows.

"Cassie Damien feels terrible about what he said to you he's actually meeting us soon" Grace said.

Cassie appeared in a red dress which clung to her body "Wow that's pretty" Meredith said.

Cassie got that dress and decided to keep it on as they met up with Damien who was a jumped up mess.

"Cassie I'm so sorry about what I said I don't blame you for Raphael's death please forgive me I was stupid and out of line and a great big klutz" Damien said Cassie smiled and laughed then spoke "Damien I'll always forgive you now let's all go eat" Cassie said.

As we met up with the others a few other human men seemed to stare at me My father and Kato looked annoyed.

"Anyone who stares like that again will be drinking through a straw permanently" Isaac announced to a few human guys.

"You going to make us pal?" one of the bigger guys said

Cassie stood up "No he's not but you try and make a move on me and you will be down on that floor rather quickly" she said,

The guy in question spoke "I don't hit girls and no offence sweetie you couldn't take me down even if you tried" he said.

Soon the other guy was on the ground Cassie looked at the others who seemed scared stiff "Go unless you want to end up like him" Cassie said the other guys ran for it.

"Wow that was cool" Damien said.

"Damien your still in mine and Kato's bad books for what you said to Cassandra" Isaac said glaring at him from across the table.

"Look Isaac and Kato I'm so sorry about what I said ill do whatever you want please don't hurt me" he said.

"Damien, relax they won't hurt you" Cassie said Brooklyn had taken Katie and Ronnie into a few of their favourite shops with Meredith.

"Brooklyn, it seems my daughter can finally control her Hybrid powers" Isaac said in a low voice so only he could hear.

"That's good news but bad news is I can't find Adrian he was with Romeo and Enzo but they said he vanished" Brooklyn said.

Kato and Isaac looked shocked "Right the rest of you go back to Brooklyn's and we will bring Adrian back alive me and Kato" Isaac said.

"Father please bring Adrian back I love him" Cassie said

"Don't worry Cassandra have I ever let you down before?" Isaac asked.

Cassie shook her head he smiled then gave her a quick hug and watched as she walked of with Brooklyn and the others.

Kato and Isaac's expressions changed from panicked to totally calm "Well with Adrian missing that means Harrison must be behind it curse that brat why didn't he just follow the plan" he said coldly.

"Eros, you won't hurt Cassie will you?" Thamos asked Eros turned to face Thamos and backed him into one of the walls.

"If only I could but for some reason I have grown attached to Cassie and I'm unable to hurt her" he said.

"Let's go find Harrison" Eros said placing his hand on Thamos shoulder as they walked around they heard a scream and looked up to see Harrison with a young teenage girl a lot of people were now staring.

"What an idiot Harrison get down from their now" Eros shouted Harrison looked down and smirked leaping to the ground with this teenage girl and let her go "Eros and Thamos why must you ruin my fun" Harrison said.

"We take it you put Adrian with Kato and Isaac like we told you" Thamos said Harrison nodded

"Let's get back to the others you will be posing as Adrian when the others are around" Eros said Harrison nodded.

"Quiet while I talk with my daughter" Eros said as they walked back to Brooklyn's safe house

"Cassandra, we found Adrian he run in to a spot of hunter bother but he's ok" Eros said.

"Thank god I'll tell the others and I love you father" Cassie said.

"I love you too sweetie" Eros said ending the phone call.

"Oh that reminds me Mordred and Eliza are on holiday together and on business for Andre" Harrison said Eros and Thamos nodded.

Once back at Brooklyn's Romeo and Enzo hugged Harrison "Where so sorry we left you we didn't know where you were" Romeo said Harrison spoke "No problem and no need to be sorry you're my brothers still" Harrison said smiling at both.

Cassie ran over and hugged Harrison "I thought I lost you" she said he held her in his arms "Isaac told me how you managed to control your powers" Harrison said.

"Yeah I can't believe it" Cassie replied Harrison kissed her she kissed him back "How about we go watch a film in our room?" Harrison asked.

"That sounds good for later right now I just need to speak with my father" Cassie said Eros looked up and spoke "Let us walk we haven't spent any time together just recently" he said Cassie smiled and followed her father out of Brooklyn's safe house and they sat on a bench by the museum "So what is it you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Look I'm scared of how you're going to react to this" Cassie said biting her lip fighting back tears "Hey Cassandra you can tell me anything" Eros said placing a hand on her shoulder she smiled then spoke.

"I'm pregnant with Adrian's child" Cassie said Eros went quiet and was shocked at first "Your mad at me aren't you?" she asked.

"No I'm mad at Adrian for making me a Grandad at 350 years old so I'm I the only person you have told?" Eros asked.

"Yes I'll tell the others after I have told Adrian" Cassie explained Eros nodded "I'll let Kato know when we get back" Eros said.

As they walked back to Brooklyn's safe house Cassie went to talk to Adrian "Adrian I'm pregnant with your child" Cassie said Harrisons face lit up "You mean I'm going to be a dad that's great news love" he said as he hugged me gently.

"Everyone we have an announcement" Harrison said everyone's eyes were on us both "I'm going to be a father" Harrison said everyone congratulated Cassie and Adrian.

Elsewhere Adrian,Isaac and Kato were in a cell together.

"Whoever you are we will get out of this?" Isaac said a figure could be seen in the darkness of a girl.

"No one is cooming to find you I cancelled my plans to see the king and prince it seems your daughter hasn't noticed your missing since she has met Eros and Thamos their your Clones Isaac and Kato" she replied.

"Clones step into the light you sound like Cassie" Kato said the girl stepped into the light and was Cassie's double.


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