Laughter From A Voiceless Body
Read Count : 87
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
It's always traumatic when someone close to you dies... But what if you saw it... And you killed them? Walking along paths because you're only an initiate sucks... Having to watch dark trees with only a flashlight as your weapon... "Hey, purtkinz." "Hai, sir?" "I want you to stop cracking branches... Freaking me the fuck out..." I did as he requested... But I had only started, with only five sticks snapped... How long had he thought it had been going on? All of a sudden I heard something to the left, pointed my light to the left and stopped, he ran right into me, and started chewing me out, but I stepped forward into the bushes... All of a sudden his nagging was gone... I look around and tried to speak, but something behind me grabbed my throat, and all that came out was "hgughflk..." I looked around and a dark figure was standing over his body, on the ground mutilated, and torn to pieces, his eyes gone, maggots eating away at his cartilage, and his hair stained with blood. I walked to his body and I could see the black figure more clearly, it had tentacles and four eyes... It was about eight feet tall not including how long it's neck would be if it was upright. It looked broken, but it moved like normal... I reached out to touch one of the tentacles, and it felt slimey. Ragged, and spiked as well. I shined the light on it and it screeched, lashed its arm out at me, and flung me back into the forest. It was running toward me, I could hear its feet crunching loudly on the floor. Then it stopped. I got up quickly and fidgeted with my light and took out a cigarette, lit the end and put it in my mouth, feeling slightly calmer as I did so. I puffed out a ring of smoke and I could see it curl around a shape in the darkness. Ipulled out my lighter and flicked it to life, and got an eyeful of what was in front of me... And to all sides of me. It was a yellow skinned creature, it's neck still broken, it had nearly seven rows of jagged, sharp and serrated teeth. It's tentacles were surrounding me by all sides, and i took a chance and burst through the tips of them meeting behind me before they could interlock. I ran in the opposite direction as I heard its feet crunching violently behind me at 300 beats per minute. It roared and i could hear I right next to my left ear. I shoved my fists and elbows out in every direction, trying to hit its head, but instead, it's tooth burrowed into my arm, but it ripped from its skull and burrowed deeper somehow. . . "FUCK THIS!!!" I turned around and just held my fist front of me, but I didn't think it would connect with anything. My hand shattered, but so did whatever was right in the wrong place, I shined my light as I was screaming, but... HE was on the ground... His neck bleeding... I looked up at the road and turned my light off... "D..." I stared in shock. "Dad..." A smile slid across my face from ear to ear... And I started laughing, I looked right and saw a girl... She walked out of the forest and felt out to touch my hand... "Are you lost?" The girl screamed and ran. "Wait! I just want to help!" I ran after her, "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FROM ME?!" I questioned in vain... I was beside her, and at that... I laughed... She turned and swung her fist... Still laughing... It slammed into my tongue, my teeth sunk into it, and I just looked at her, flashlight in my eyes. She screamed, and screamed, and flailed her arm and punched my skull... I grasped her arm... "Why are you not me... Why are you still alive and I'm here... Just die al-fucking-ready..." "LET GO!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She was yelling... Screaming... And crying... At me... I just yelled back... We couldn't hear each other... We could see our lips moving... We heard each other yelling... But nothing was understood... I stared her down... My jaw unclenched unwillingly... And she ran... My hand attached itself to the back of her shirt... I sauntered away right behind her... My head hung low... Her shirt tore off and I held it in my hand... I slowed as she stopped, and I stopped as I was face to face with her, and she stood there... Staring at me... "Herr, ich bein ein... Wunder nacht... Der untoten..." I couldn't understand her... She was spatting out a different language... "W H Y D O Y O U L I E T O ME. . . ?" All I could hear after was her laughing... As her blood spilled and dripped to the forest floor, and her neck bent and cracked, as she swung fromt he rope which hung from a branch... She laughed... And I laughed... And then she stopped laughing... It was silent except for my laughter... It was rasping... She screamed in laughter and finally went silent... Hanging from the tree... I could still hear it echoing in my head... I sulked back into the shadows and looked at the path... A little girl walked along it... I just planned to laugh or to cry.
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