May You Feel Happy.
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" From our birth onwards we simply desire contentment. We want happiness and happy life." Gurudev, His Holiness Srila Satchitananda continued "The human species on this planet earth wish to have a joie de vivre and we make every effort to attain it. I don't know about the extra terrestrials. Perhaps they may be visiting earth in their flying saucers just to find the thing called happiness. We must ask Steven Spielberg about it. " A big roar of laughter cut through the prayer hall. “ Every one is in the pursuit of happiness. Every kind of happiness, or suffering is mind and body related. It is physical and mental. Between body and mind, it is our mind which is primarily related to the feeling of happiness. Body is secondary. If the body is content we even ignore its existence, but the mind is fluid. It registers every detail, however small it is. Hence, it is of prime importance that we try to have mental peace. " Gurudev beckoned one of his disciples and said something to him. He hurried away and within few moments, he came with lighted incense sticks, neatly placed inside a holder and kept them on the floor little away from the left foot of Gurudev. The smoke from the incense sticks spiraled towards ceiling, instantly turning the ambiance into a spiritual one. " Gurudev," ' a feminine voice emenated from the gathering. " My question is how to attain mental peace. My mind is in turmoil. Please enlighten me". After a break of half a minute, Gurudev began. " The answer is very simple. It is giving your love and feeling compassionate towards others. When we understand that everyone in this world encounters sufferings in one or the other way, our own problems become realistic and the obstacles don't look unattainable. What is required is few soothing words and a broken heart starts healing itself. However capable an individual may be, if he or she is left alone he or she is sure to diminish. A support system is a fundamental requirement of human beings. It is an interdependence. The whole of universe is an example of how it has come to evolve to its present form is because of interdependence. From the planet to the space, oceans, mountains, forests, the flora and fauna, even the garden around your house, to the tiny world of insects all are entwined together. If they don't interact they will decay, dissolve and die. " Therefore, be interdependent. Interact. Develop a sense of compassion. Believe in relationship, friendship and camaraderie. They are hard to come by. When promise, relationship and friendship breaks, they don't make noise. What remains is silence. Eerie silence. Unbearable silence begging for interactions, asking for interdependence. " Gurudev presently stood up and raising his hands, bestowed his blessings and turned to walk towards his sanctum sanctorum.
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