The Unkown, Volume L Read Count : 118

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter l, Isaac

Isaac awoke standing In an unfamiliar area, with no recollection of how he got there. His heart was beating through his chest as sweat rolled from his forhead and burned his eyes on the way down. Isaac never felt more confused nor afraid than he did at this moment. He frantically looks around, observing his surroundins the best he can. The moon is full, but little light seems to reach this forbidding land. From what he can see, the area is full of rotting trees and the ground capped in dead grass. Completely shook, Isaac leans against one of the decomposing trees to gather himself. A few moments go by and he gets this unnerving feeling that hes being watched. He scans his surroundings once more watching for any movement there might be, he sees nothing. Isaac knows he can't just sit there and wait for help, so he decides to go the direction he was facing when he came to. As he begins to make his way towards the hopeful exit the wind begins to pick up, blowing in the same direction hes headed.
He takes one last look around before heading down the unknown path. Just as he turns back the way he was going to go a sickening screech emerges from behind him through the depths of the horrifying forest. Isaac instantly bolts, wasting no time at all. His heart rate picks back up in a second and the sweat is already coming back.
The wind begins furiously gusting with unimaginable power, but Isaac does not seem to be affected by this. The mangled trees were ripped from their bases and flung through the air, almost like a field of arrows blanketing the moon. However, they rained down like a meteor shower, bursting into pieces as they hit the ground.
It seemed as though the trees were falling everywhere besides where Isaac was, but Isaac paid little attention to anything, all he could think was run. Isaac soon reached a dead end. He stopped infront of a steep cliff that halted him from going any further. He looked across and saw nothing, he looked down and saw nothing, only darkness. The deathly trees were flying into the seemingly bottomless pit, but a sound was never heard. He looked behind him and saw only dark nothingness that swallowed this horrific forest the closer it got. He knew what his only option was. Isaac jumped, hoping that there might be water at the bottom to soffen his landing. He continued to fall for several seconds as everything became darker, and darker, until he was swallowed by complete darkness.


  • I really liked reading this by how descriptive it was. Keep up the good work!

    Dec 02, 2017

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