Hate To Love You: Chapter 6 Read Count : 112

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance
She was rather surprised Bryce didn't... Take advantage of the fact that alcohol was in her system. Maybe... He wasn't as bad as people thought. Back at the school her heart stopped at the sight of Benjamin, immediately averting his eyes. Anger boiled up inside her and she walked up to him, gripping his arm she exclaims, "What the fuck was that about at the party?" 

He looks at her with those brown eyes and says, "W-what are you talking about?..." 

"Don't be bullshitting me Ben..." 

The nerves of this confrontation was all too much for the young man and he said, "I-I didn't do anything!... M-maybe it was someone else. I was at home working on the pictures!" he rushes off. 

The cheerleader huff and quickly glanced at her phone. A text from her father and Bryce. May as well read the text that her heart dreaded the most. Quickly she clicked on her father's text;

'Hey there pumpkin. Gonna be late coming home tonight. Give your mother a kiss and tell her I will be stuck in the office.'

'Right... Stuck in the office.' she thought to herself shaking her head. Just before she goes to read the text from Bryce she nearly jumps out of her skin, startled she turns around her hand nearly slapping the person in front of her. 

Bryce catches her slender wrist his dark eyes looking at her as he says, "Geez. Hello to you too."

"Bryce! Don't do that!" 

"Jumpy I see..."

"You have no idea..." looking up at him it didn't go without notice how upset she was and she takes his hand, "Come on. You and I are skippy school. Isn't that what you rebels like to do?"

"Us rebels?... What's going on?"

"Nothing! I just don't wanna be here is that a problem?"

"Well... No. Not if it didn't sound like you were on your period." he thought she was going to slap him right then and there. 

She shakes her head, "I just wanna break out of my usual routine!" 

He rubs the back of his neck and replies, "Alright... Alright..." taking her hand he guides her to his bike and says, "Where too?" 

"North. I will tell you when to stop." she wraps her arms around his torso, burying her face into his back. 

He had no idea what was wrong. In the past seven years he has known her she did have this random outbursts every now and then but... He never figured out the source of it. Was it him? 

He actually felt a small hint of guilt. He didn't wanna be the cause of her pain. He wants to protect her!


Feeling a poke in his side she yells, "Here!" 

Milestone Park? Really?

He shrugs as he parks his bike. Hopping off he allowed himself to get pulled along the path he smirks and said, "And we are here because?" 

"Is it a problem I wanna be in nature?" 

Chuckling he stuff his hands in his black leather jacket and he said, "I dunno usually this is well known as a make out spot." he smirked and places his hands on her hips the moment she stopped at a viewfinder, using a quarter to get it to start working she smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Of course you would know that. You are just a slut aren't you." 

"Wait. Did you just call me-"


He smirks and says, "I am hurt. Ya know what?" he made a quick jerk off motion before giving her the finger. 

She laughed, "What was that?"

"My way of of telling you to fuck off." he peaks in the viewfinder and jokingly said, "Who are we creeping on?" he peaks in the viewfinder. 

"Hm... I dunno the father and the son grilling out? What do you think is going on there?"

"Hm... Child sacrifice?" he joked. 

She laughs and says, "That is terrible! But you are so right." she looked to see an overweight man picking at his pants and she replies, "Ugh, major wedgie alert." 

Bryce chuckles before seeing the viewfinder turned to see a middle aged man in a rather expensive suit talking to a blonde... Britney? Woah, one of Chasity's friends. 

Chasity's expression instantly which seemed to not be noticeable by Bryce and he laughed, "Wow cradle robbing perv. Make out session and three, two, one." and as if on cue the two kissed each other and Bryce laughed, "So gross. Right Chas?" he pauses the moment he sees she is not next to him, but behind him her arms crossed, "What's wrong?" 

She looks at him, "What are we still doing here?" 

"Uh, what?" 

"Shouldn't we be smoking a shit ton of weed or drinking our weight in alcohol?" 

He furrows his eyebrows, "You lost me... What is going on?" 

Taking a deep breath she says, "That guy... That was my dad. And he is fucking married..."


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