Pain To Love Read Count : 107

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
This is Victoria she is 15 years old. She was a normal girl in a normal family. One day she went to school she tried to sit with her friends but they moved? She sat alone....she noticed everyone whispering and laughing. She had thought it wasn't about her until someone came up to her then poured milk on her. Then she knew it was about her. She had wondered what she had done and why? She was supposed to be picked up...bit nobody came so she walked in the cold. When she was home she walked in on her parents fighting then she saw something she wished she hadn't. Her dad hit her mom with a beer bottle,kicked her,then he left. She rushed to her mother uncouncious and bleeding. She had wondered what had happened? She called 9-1-1 but they were to late she was gone. She was so upset she didn't know what would happen. They buried he mom and arrested her dad. She went to live with her aunt and uncle she loved them! She got her clothes and went to her aunt and uncle's but her aunt and uncle got furious when they saw all her clothes looked like boy clothes. She had never worn them for her mother and father would not accept it. So she put on a dress and stuffed the boy clothes in her bag. When she went to school it was the same but even WORSE!?! It continued until the name calling l, they said stuff, really bad stuff. She couldn't so she found a razor blade and she....cut her wrist hoping it would end the pain it didn't. When she went to school she was the only one dressed like a boy but it got worse when people found out about my parents. She was going to end it but then a new boy transferred to her school! She fell in love with him,he was also bullied he was different he was dressed wierd or something but I liked him. <3 His light blue eyes,dirty blonde long medium hair,glasses,kinda tall:/,funny,kind,but also emotional,but Then there is me dark green eyes,long hair pink and brown, ,dressed like a boy,kind,cool,funny,average :c. I found that he was the same as me but only I actually cutted. I swore never to do it again! One day I went up to him and he look scared and said go away please don't hurt me! I said "it's fine I won't." He looked at me and smiled. I said "I'm Victoria and you are?" "Victor,Victor" he said. We started to hang out the more I felt like someone understood me. One day I saw him being pinned on the ground. Something came over me I pushed them off of him picked him up and told him to run! Then he...he did something I can't describe. He kissed me! I felt like screaming jumping hugging but I was froze. He ran and I followed him I told him it would be ok and took his hand. I said "I love you!" He looked at me and smiled and said "I love you too!" I asked him how old he was and guess what he was 16! 
                 5 YEARS LATER...
Hey Victoria! Hi Victor! He got on one knee and asked "will you marry me?" I said "YES!" 
               1 YEAR LATER...
That is how me and your father met. Then we had you victorious! We love you very much! Goodnight victorious! NIGHT! 

                        THE END!


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