The Story Of Three Sisters
Read Count : 160
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
While setting at he guys favorite bar/diner we all gather in a booth. The young girls across from us can't help but notice the guys. They are all gugu eyes and what not. So of course corey lens over and lays a nice sexy kiss on Chris. Wow major replys. Well I just want to make sure they know where I stand ya know major. So what are yall getting? I'm getting the biggest burger and milk shake they got and some of that triple chocolate cake ice on the counter. DAMN corey hungry much. Look Simi I've been waiting for 5 hours to eat. Guys order what you want Nat is paying corey says in a funny tune. How the he'll you figure I'm paying Nat says with a smart attitude. Well you did tell me not to smoke IN my truck and I just like you so much I want to give you a gift corey being corey. And as always Nat pops off what's the gift. THE BILL !! O man I mean woman! Your killing me corey. I can make it happen Nat. Cut it out you to major interrupts. So girls have you figured out your talents. All three of us look confused! Talents? Well yea that what we call ours says Chris. You mean we each have the ability to do something cool? Major asked. Adam says yea watch this. Corey pick anyone in the diner. Corey says anyone? Yea anyone. I pick Nat. Corey laughs. O Nat hates when I do this to him. What are you going to do Simi asked? Ok ready. Well let's see let's see. With a deep breath Adam looks at Nat. Nat eyes turn from a silver to a green and his hair goes from a black to a blonde and his height shortens. He looks totally different. Well as the waiter shows back up to the table she looks confused. She asked where did the other young man go. We all busted out in a huge laugh. Simi is shocked I knew there was people who could do it to there self but not to other people. Well what can you two do. Simi asked Adam and Chris. Well I think that's all poor little Simi can handle for tonight. Well I'm stuff corey time to head home. Chris my dear are you guys staying with us tonight. Corey asked. What you think guys Chris asked. Well hells yea as long as I get to sleep with the ass hole. Adam commented! Haha funny major says. Well looks like your not the only one with a snuggle buddy to night corey major and Simi implied. Snuggle who said anything about snuggling Chris piped off. Corey with a smile looks at Chris and says in a southern tone well my good sir we just meet what kinda lady do think I am. Everyone laughs and Simi says a freaky one.. Now Simi don't tell all my secrets. How do you think I keep people guessing? Major's eyebrows lefted and commented I didn't know you did. Chris turns to Simi and tell her I can't wait to show you who you really are!! In a confused look Simi said wait in a werewolf like my sister's right. Is that why you don't have the dog nature about you. Simi says you know major don't either just corey. Why is that? You'll see Chris walk ahead with a grin. Simi run over to major, Are you sure we are all werewolf? I'm pretty sure why asked major? Because Chris just pointed something out. And whats that ask major. Corey s the only one that has anything to do with being werewolf. Dont you think if we was we'd be acting and doing the same things. You eating more than normal people,being able to smell 100% more than normal you know crazy dog stuff? Major I think we are different. Well Simi major replys we'll find out tomorrow. Now let's just get home and get some shut eye. Ok little Simi.