Wolve School [Day 1] (part 1) Read Count : 51

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Once there was a Wolve who had a super secret. Her name was Alex She was a different wolf than the others. She got bullied since first grade and everyone keeps talking about her. But one day it was the first day of Wolf school -alarm clock rings- "five...more....minutes" said Alex -alarm clock rings again- "ughhhhh...what day is it" Said Alex "Honey!!!" Said Mom "What?!" Said Alex "It's the first day Don't forget now get up and get dressed and everything" Said Mom "Can I not go today I think I feel sick oh no I might throw up!" Said Alex pretending to be sick "Honey you are not sick stop pretending so you won't go to school" Said Mom And Alex  standed up and went to the bathroom "I shouldn't wear any cool or fancy or yeah" Said Alex.She putted her paw on a special shirt she had that had a unicorn on it riding a carrot like nyan cat "This is good enough" said Alex. Alex walked to her furbrush and made her fur more softer "Wow I think I look kinda too fluffy" Said Alex and then she fixed her fur and went down stairs to get some  tomatoes. Alex LOVES tomatoes alot - gets tomatoes from fridge and grabes lime and holds it on mouth- She carefully walked to the table and washed the tomatoes and put them back on the table and cutted  the lime and the tomatoe when she was done she putted them in the bowl and putted salt on it and lime "Time to eat!" Said Alex very happyly -eats tomatoes so happy- When she was done she waited at the bus stop and when the bus arrived she went in and took a deep breath alot of bad wolves were playing around the bus going up and down and yelling at each other while Alex was very quiet "Pftt....Silly unmature wolves these days" said Alex. they arrived at the wolf high "I must say it's really big!" Said Alex "I know right it's so cool!!" Said a wolf that was named Rose "uh....hi..." said Alex "Hey girl!" Said Rose. The bus stoped and Alex and Rose got down the bus and went in the school and...."Hey rose what class are you in...it is the first day of school of 5th grade" said Alex "Um my mom said I'm in mr.Gladie's class.." Said Rose "wait....uh I'm in that class too...."Said Alex. Rose waged her short tail " omg! Really!! " said rose still waging her short tail "uh yeah" Said Alex. They went to their class together and  everyone was doing W.O.R.K everything started very boring but the teacher was funny kinda..... "Ok class zip up your lips and shut up because I'm talking not you my na,e is mr.Gladie and I wille be your teacher for the rest of your horrible life" said mr.Gladie And someone named Marco raised his paw "Yes Marco boy?..." said mr. Gladie "uh...your not gonna be our teacher for our WHOLE liv-" said Marco "NO INTERUPTING THE CLASS YOU CAN SPEAK WHEN IT IS YOUR TIME THAT YOU CAN" Said Mr. Gladie Marco just stared at him eye too eye "OK I HAVE WORKSHEETS FOR YOU SO I DO NOT TOLLRATE TALKING" said Mr.Gladie He walked to everyone to give out worksheets about some math or multiplying "heh this is gonna be easy" Alex said to herself Rose did not sit next too Alex instead she sitted next too her oldest bff "ugh nothing started out great this is gonna be the worst year ever in my life " Thought Alex "OK I WILL CALL YOUR NAME AND IF YOU DON'T SAY CAKE YOU'LL BE WRITTEN UP TO DENTENTION" said mr.gladie - Rose raises her paw- "What is it rose" said mr.Gladie "you can't get to detention if you don't answer" rose said quietly "I DON'T CARE YOU'LL BE WRITTEN UP IF YOU DON'T ANSWER BECAUSE I'LL ONLY SAY IT ONCE AND NOT TWICE" Said Mr.Gladie - Alex puts her paw on her pencil and draws mr.gladie like a rat- "hehe!" Alex said laughing very quietly -mr.gladie goes to his front desk at the back of the class- Some time later all the students had finished  "I'm so relived I'm done" said Marco "me too" said Alex "Everyone listen up! We are going outside so get whatever you need for lunch on your desk for after recess said mr.gladie  -eveywolf stands up  and lines up- "OK go ahead" said mr.gladie They all went outside and everyone started running to the playground And Alex stayed and sat on a rock "oh no!" Said Alex "It's happening!" Said Alex really worried -her giant wings come out- "oh noo!" Said Alex-hides wings inside shirt- " Everyone started to look at her and gasped Alex was embarrassed and scared what would happen...


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