Storm☇ Division V Read Count : 49

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
Flaw In My Code 

I'd never seen dad freaked out so much; he's usually humble. He chatted with the doctor on his phone for a good ten minutes. When he hung up, he said sternly to me: "Collette, we are going to the doctors now." 

We'd remained in silence for the whole ride. The doctor's office was part of the hospital. My dad checked me in within the waiting room. The waiting room was only occupied with another family. I can tell the parents were both humans holding a pale boy toddler. He looked pale and it seems he was in pain. The boy did not seemed to cry. His eyes gaze towards me. A sympathetic gentle smile grew upon my face. I don't have any words to say to him. 

Dr. Ralline enters the room and calls my name. My father initially came with me this time. As a result, increasing my worry further. He lead me into a room that only has a bed, covers, and a sink. I sit upon the bed. Dr. Ralline was always my only doctor ever since the beginning of my life. He was accurate and loyal to my family. 

"Thy father told me you had odd strength." He remind me which I'd obviously knew. 

"It started couple of days after I got electrocuted by that girl who'd got envied that I won the school's race." I informed. "Two kids became brusque when they queried that I cheated in the race. One was beating me up while the other was filming me. That's when I snapped. I shoved him out of the way; unknowingly, slamming him against the wall. Next, I'd jammed the other boy's phone. The school sent me home and let me go with a warning."

"Was this today?" He asked. 

"Affirmative." I nodded.

"The electrocution had created a mutation in your code; creating inhuman strength. We have to examine how far your strength goes." Dr. Ralline implied.

He'd examined my pulse, blood pressure, and sugar level. It was all average. He took me into a laboratory full of punching bags, treadmills, including monitors. 

It went from minutes on the treadmill towards the punching bag. "This punching bag can pick up thy strength." Dr. Ralline informed. "Give us your average punch." 

"She made my punching bag break the wall last time." My dad implies. 

My doctor's smile weakened then glances towards me. "Try not to break it." He warns me. 

I nodded and turned around then put my fists up. I concentrate upon the center of the punching bag. Then I jabbed my fist right onto my focus. I heard the hook snap and the punching bag just fly towards the wall. Thankfully, it didn't hit it. My face blushed with humiliation as I winced towards Dr. Ralline who was standing beside my dad. 

Dr. Ralline pulled out his tablet. He looked directly to my father and said: "I am afraid that I need to take her out of school. Her strength can harm many. All the machines don't excel past the human strength, but you can." 

"She has high grades in all of her classes and you wanted to pull her away from her honors?" My dad questioned. "She doesn't have anger issues." 

"She isn't dropping out." Dr. Ralline exclaims. "She will be excused of being unable to go to school. If she gets into a fight, one hit could be fatal. I apologize, Mr. Digit, but I don't want to risk of her going to jail if she loses control. She is also cyborg; you'll never know the damage it could cause to her if she uses it." 

When the appointment was finally over, I wasn't relieved. I'd just lost my chances of getting my honors at the academy then getting a degree in scientific studies. We all went into the care. I am not going to impute the girl who'd caused this; she probably didn't know how far the damaged would've caused. 

I didn't talk about what Dr. Ralline had said in the car. It could result of my dad being even more disappointed. 

"Collette, don't be ruffled about this. We just need to find another way. I know that the flaw in your code isn't taking your life; it send you off course. Whatever life throws at you, you need to find ways. Are you interested in warfare science?" He asks. 

"Mmmm...Kinda." I replied. "Um dad, Professor Latone actually said if I won the competition, I'd get a certificate to go on the tour where you once worked. Do you enjoyed your occupation before abdication?" I asked. 

"Honestly, I was thrilled to be there especially lecturing the recruits. My boss did say I do a handy job when it comes to that." My dad replies. "They told me I can come back to the center whenever I like."

"Can you show me?" I asked. His only response was a smile. When we arrived home, we went onto our family space shuttle. We fly away and head towards Space Center Facility. We'd parked into the space dock then we head in. 

Not only a minute since we entered the door that someone said: "Welcome back, Sargeant Erzo!" It was said in a jubilated tone. It came from a man who'd appear in his fifties. He marched over and gave my dad a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you again, Digit." 

"Delighted to meet you again, Shallow." My dad smiled. Mr. Shallow glances towards me. "Hello there! Are you the daughter of Erzo?" He asked with a smile. 

"Yes!" I answered. "I am Collette Digit." 

"Pleasure to meet you, Collette." He said. "What brings you here, Erzo?

"My daughter had asked." He replies. 

"Should she be at school?" He exclaims. 

"Her doctor took her out because of the flaw of her code." My dad answers. 

"Oh! She's cynoid?" He asked. 

"No." My dad shook his head. "She's cyborg; half human and half cynoid."

"That's impossible!" Mr. Shallow blurted. "She should be dead by now!" 

I was starting to feel offended. "I was fortunate; my cynoid puzzled neatly to my human parts. The other ones who were cyborgs had died before age of five due to the cynoid being excessive for them." 

Mr. Shallow stared at me for a moment then asked my dad: "What type of flaw?" 

"Strength has escalated." Dad replied. 

"How did that happened?" 

"A droid girl had gone furious when I'd beat her in a race at school." I answered. "My doctor took me out because one hit could possibly be fatal." 

"To all the Stormalite machines and humans?" He asked again. 

"They are on the equivalent level of strength; accordingly, yes."

"What about other beings that excel further than human strength?" He asked. 

My dad and I shook my head concurrently. Mr. Shallow asked us to follow him. He took us to a simulator room. He asked me to get onto the large flat rectangular platform. "Just getting it prepared." He informed. 

I had closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I heard the simulator powering up, I open my eyes. I saw tiny cubic holograms joined together to form a tall cynoid man. His lines that go across his face were glowing red which indicates something is wrong. 

    The man also had steel armour on him. My adrenaline urged me to flee, but I ceased myself from running. Put my fists up and clocked the cynoid right in the chest. He stumbled backwards then fell over. I could hear that I knocked the breath out of him. He immediately got back up and he looked twice as furious than before.  My next move was a high kick! The wack made him plummet to the ground. I am not going to let him get back up this time. I'd let out a furious growl then tried to move my arms under him then I used my strength to lift him up the ground then carry him above my head. 

     I threw him against the wall with all my might. The impact had so much velocity that it created a massive dent in the wall. The hologram Cynoid broke into tiny holographic cubes that went evanescent.  I can hear the simulator powering down. I glance towards Mr. Shallow and dad. Mr. Shallow smiled; however, my dad was sighing in distress. 


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