School Romance
Read Count : 109
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
CHAPTER ONE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL "Lilly"! Sarah yelled out of in the distance. I turned around wondering who called my name and why? When I saw Sarah runing towards me waving hello I rememberd my knew school was the same school that my former best friend Sarah was going too. Sarah didnt know it but I wasn't her friend anymore. When Sarah reeched me she squeezed me tight and told me all about what happend over Summer break. I didnt care so I told Sarah I had to go and left. CHAPTER TWO MY CLASS after I got to my class my teacher said in a loud voice "Hello class I am Mr.row your knew sixth grade teacher"! I was upset that my teacher was a boy. I decided to ignore my teacher and look around the class to see what kind of people I wanted to hangout with. I saw that all the girls were looking at there laps, I kept wondering why but soon I realised they were all secretly typing on there phones. I was going to tell the teacher after class but I didnt because I knew if I did all the girls would get there phones taken by the teacher and they wouldnt like me. So I minded my own buisness and went to lunch. CHAPTER THREE NOT POPULOR While I was looking for a place to sit I saw Sarah in the distance siting at a table with about ten other girls and three boys. I tried to make some friends but everytime I sat down at a table everyone siting there got up and moved to the table were Sarah was sitting. When that table got filled up everyone moved to the closest table to her. The fith table I tried to sit at everyone left again but im actually glad they did because while eveyond was scambling around finding a place to sit I saw a boy sitting all by himself. CHAPTER FOUR JOSH I disided to walk towards him and sit with him. When I sat down he started blushing. I said "Hi im Lilly". He said hi im Josh its nice to meet you Lilly. Its nice to meet you two i said. I could tell we were going to be good friends because wile we were talking he told me about how he was new to Prinston Midle School. After lunch I noticed that Josh was in my class. When everyone was geting there new asighned seets the teacher asighned mine right next to Josh and another girl named Mary. CHAPTER FIVE MARY Me and Josh talked to eachother alot but he never mentioned anything about Mary witch was a relief because I ohnistly had a little crush on him. Afew weeks into school I started to make some friends but only alittle like about three there names were Mary, Fanah ,and Dian I hung out with Mary and Josh alot like at lunch at reases in class and sometimes even after school. Josh and Mary became really good friends even better than me and Josh's friend ship witch made me kind of jelouse so I decided to block out Mary from our group Josh thought she just found more friends and wanted to hangout with them alittle bit but they still talked and talked and talked every time they got the chance to. Soon I noticed how they looked at eachother compared to other people, and I noticed they had a crush on each other. I decided to get them to fade away from each other so I would get them to talk to echother in class so the techer told Mary to move to a diferent seet leving me and Josh in that row. I already had lunch figured out but I didnt know how to get them to stay away at reces. So the next day I found afew girls that didnt like Josh and that gosiped about him and I got Mary to hang out with them and when she did she heard some prety bad stuff about Josh and her crush for him faded away until it was gone permenently. CHAPTER SIX ME AND JOSH After Mary was gone for afew weeks Josh told me he liked me and I told him I liked him too. The next day Josh asked me to be his girl friend of course I said yes but my consiense kept saying no dont say yes dont say yes over and over again but I ignored it. After people found out about us thay started to make fun of me and Josh but he didnt care he said as long as he had me he was happy. Soon Mary found out and she knew why I did what I did to seperate her and Josh so sinse she was hanging out with the girls I told her to she started to gosip about me and I was the knew wierdo. On the last day of shool Josh kised me and siad the words hes never said to me before I love you. I was really happy but I was just about to break up with him so I didnt know what to say. Before I left I said it back to him and stayed with him.