Women Without Men Read Count : 102

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
(Inspired by "I Hate Men" by Cole Porter)

What would we do without men?

Earn more of the world's money. Get respect in each profession sooner. Have a room of our own (Woolf) sooner. Be seen for the "glamorous ladies" rather than the "pan (face)" (Parker) sooner. Not get told not to worry our pretty little heads. Not get told "that's how a woman's hands should smell" in a way that implies we only belong in the home sector. No more pain of childbirth or having to explain to a man that it's like passing a kidney stone for them. No more getting elbowed in the breast by any of the more insensitive ones.

Not get snidely said about us that we'd bleed on something involved in a point of contention with a man. Not be told in anger, instead of at least a clever retort regarding the issue, that we should go suck a dick. Not be told we shouldn't wear glasses or gain weight because we'll be less "marketable" as marriage-eligible beauties.

This is the shit some men pull. I'm for egalitarianism between the sexes, not for what some associate with the word "feminism." Some assume it's counter-sexism, and others assume lesbianism is the practice thereof, hence my using the term I used.

The image is of the same girl thinner or thicker (dan-heron).


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