Falsehood Vanquished Read Count : 187

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama

As-Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullah!
There is a short video clip of Mr Mario Joseph, (a confused Indian-looking man) circulating around on whatsapp, facebook, youtube, etc. He claims he was once a confused Muslim and after reading the whole Qur'an and analysing how Qur'an talks about Jesus, etc, he thinks every Muslim should become a Christian! Subhanallah!

Christians are happily forwarding this short video clip, in order to get the nominal Muslims confused.

Brothers and Sisters in Islam, Here is a good response to the confused man's blatant lies and fabrications. If you have not watched the video, then, do not waste your precious time to listen to those trash, else, you waste your energy and resources.

His Claim: Muhammad is mentioned 5 times by name, but, Jesus is mentioned 25 times in the Qur'an. So, Jesus is greater.

My Response:
(1) The number of times a person is mentioned by name does not make the person great or greater. Pharoah is mentioned by name about 74 times in the Qur'an, can we conclude that Pharoah is greater than Jesus whose name is mentioned 25 times? Moses is mentioned by name about 136 times in the Qur'an. Does that make him the greatest? 

(2) Jesus Christ was at the center of so many controversies. The Jews considered him to be a 'bastard' and an imposter. Some Christians regard him as God and son of God, while, others regard him as a Prophet. So there was the need for clarification on his real status. Hence, the Qur'an, being the final Revelation of God, was sent down to set the records straight. It therefore becomes imperative to mention Jesus by name anytime issues concerning him are being addressed in order not to leave any room for doubt, confusion and speculation about who is being spoken about.

(3) The personality of Prophet Muhammad, on the other hand, was not entangled in this kind of confusion. So, he was only mentioned by name just to establish that, he is indeed a Prophet and a Messenger of Allah.

It is surprising someone will make this assumption and say Jesus is God. Chapter 4:171...where the spirit from God is mentioned. It mentions that, Jesus is no more than a messenger of Allah. It mentions that, we should believe in Allah and His messengers. It cautions us not to say Trinity. It tells us that Allah is One God. So, why the assumption that Jesus is God. Because, he is a spirit from God, the critics just picked some verses from the Qur'an and subjected them to the kind of logic they have been doing to their Bible. Even, in Qur'an 3:38-39, Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) is also referred to as Kalimatuallah, that is word of Allah.

In fact, if you read Qur'an 3:45, where Jesus is referred to as word from Allah, verse 51 reads "It is Allah Who  is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a way that is straight" This clearly tells us that Jesus is not God. Please read what Jesus said in the John 20:17 "...I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God"

HIS CLAIM: Mario said, Qur'an chapter 50 verses 23 says that, she (Mary, mother of Jesus) went to heaven with her physical body.

OUR RESPONSE: Please, open Qur'an, 50:23, this is what you will find "And his companion (angel) will say: "Here is (this Record) ready with me" Such a claim is never mentioned in the Qur'an. Mr Mario is a phatological liar.

HIS CLAIM: Mohammed was born by a man and woman but, Jesus was conceived by the Holy spirit born of a virgin. Again this shows Jesus is greater

If Jesus had no father and this makes him the son of God, then, Adam must be the greatest and most qualified to be the son of God. This is because Adam had no mother and father. Then, how do we qualify Biblical Melchiz'edek who according to Hebrew,7:1-3, has no father, no mother, no genealogy, no beginning of days and no end of life.  

In Islam, Holy Spirit refers to Angel Gabriel (Qur'an19:16-22 & 3:45). The word spirit (Rooh' in arabic) also refers to a soul (Qur'an 38:71-72).

Thus, when God decided to create Jesus in the womb of Mary, He sent Angel Gabriel to breath the spirit (soul) of Jesus into her. (Qur'an 3:45 & 66:12). Bear in mind that, Adam also became a living being when the spirit (soul) from God was breathed into him as mentioned in Qur'an 38:71-72. The same applies to all the descendant of Adam.

God creates Adam without a father and a mother, creates Jesus with a mother, but, no father, creates the rest of mankind with fathers and mothers. In all these modes of creation, specific spirits (souls) are breathed for human to become life or living. This is to make manifest to mankind, the creative power of God. He creates what He wants and how He likes.

Instead of them (Christians and the likes) glorifying God for His creative power, they rather resort to worshipping and glorifying what was created. This is indeed the greatest injustice !!

HIS CLAIM (3): Qur'an agrees Jesus is a word of Allah, and Allah created the Earth with the word, so, Jesus is the Creator.

Yes, Jesus came into an existence as a result of a command from God with the word "Be!" - and he was". This same command brings everything into existence. If he wishes to create anything, He will just command "Be" and it will be. 

Allah says in Qur'an 3:59: "Verily the likeness of Jesus in the sight of Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust then, said to him: "Be!"- and he was".

How can one who was created become the creator! Allah also says in Qur'an 36:82: "Verily, His (Allah's) command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!"- and it is". The word is therefore the creative command from Allah which brought everything into existence including Jesus.

A spirit from Allah does not make someone to be God. Qur'an 15:29 says "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him" that "him" was Adam, does that make him God?

Indeed, there is not a single verse in the entire Bible where Jesus claimed divinity to himself. He was only a mediator between God and Man. 1st Timothy 2:5 reads "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

This is clear enough to refute any claiming that Jesus is greater than Prophet Muhammad. 

We ask Allah to guide the misguided ones to Islam, the only true way to the Creator (Allah) Aamiyn.

-Yusuf Adepoju


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  • Diangelo Fairchild......the 3rd.

    Diangelo Fairchild......the 3rd.


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