The Power Within You Read Count : 136

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I am what I am. I will never change for anyone else. my life my rules. These are a few sentences people write on their Facebook walls and WhatsApp status. but life is not that easy my friends. If you don't take practical decisions,  life can spin around and make you suffer like hell.  luck too has an important part to play in your life. no one can define luck. it is something which cannoot be explained and cant be measured. sometimes luck may favour you and sometimes not at all. luck may differ from person to person. Some people are so lucky that in spite of being less hard working then other people they succeed in life. These things suggest that hard work is less important than luck, is it?
 I personally feel that yes luck may be a factor but hard work has no other alternative and a hard working person will surely taste success at some point or the other.

so what about the people who are less hard working and still succeed?

There are many examples who became successful just by recognising a special quality within them.  bill gates, sachin tendulkar, silvester stallione are a few who could be named. does it mean they were less hardworking.  no they worked hard but they had an X factor with them. This X factor is within everyone but only a few recognise it. The will power or the power of your subconscious mind. These greats had great will power and control over their own mind to change their own destiny and write their own future. They had belief in themselves and had the ability to focus on things they wanted to achieve. They were not afraid to dream and neither afraid to bring their dreams to reality. Each of us has the power to achieve everything we dream of.  We only lack in will power and self confidence. We must be so focused towards our goal that even destiny should not come in the way.

life is not a problem to keep struggling and sit finding solutions for it. It is a beautiful journey of a free mind. The real pleasure is not in the end but in each and every  moment we cherish. friends never get depressed by failure. It is always a step towards something good. learn from failures and move ahead. always remember " it is not about how hard you can hit, it is always about how hard you can get hit ". get up and hit back to life and tell yourself that you have the power to success and see the difference for yourself. always remember the power with you and have faith and belief in yourself. It is true that God only helps those who help themselves.  

remember you are the one who is responsible for your success in life. believe only in yourself and no one else. keep hard work and will power your only tools and you will see success following you. live love laugh , be happy, spread happiness, have minimum needs and life will be beautiful. 
so come on get up pull your socks and March towards your goals because life never comes twice. 
Good Luck.

Regards - Sagar Gade


  • FirstPost

    Nov 28, 2017

  • Aamir Mohamed

    Aamir Mohamed

    i dont think more about the luck .everyone has his own distney .this sime thing belong to Allah .but i believe in hard working

    Nov 30, 2017

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