Some Hints To Help With Diabetes Care Read Count : 122

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Sub Category : LifeStyle
     You should be eating six small meals per day instead of the normal three or less. One man I know eats only one large meal a day, and therefore has trouble controlling the disease. This is like filling your car with gas in the morning and going all over town until it is gone, leaving none for later trips out as needed.
     Doctors give you medicines that keeps a constant level of the drug in your bloodstream. When you eat six smaller meals, it keeps your body supplied with what it needs better than with less meals, and your blood sugar levels will be more consistent if you are eating and drinking the right things.
     Do research on the Internet or at the library about what your diet should be, including complex carbohydrates that break down more slowly than regular carbs. The point is, learn as much as you can so you can still have a great life.
     Join a gym or exercise class for diabetics. These can be found through a hospital or gym in your area.  One person I know goes to one of these classes four times a week, and has made a lot of new friends in the process.
     When you exercise, do it over the course of the day so you don't endanger yourself by having a sugar low.
     Work with your doctor and a dietician to find the right foods to eat. Stay away from alcoholic beverages and a lot of starchy foods in your diet or your disease will become worse. You can find a dietician at a hospital to help you, but be respectful and make an appointment. 
     Keep track of your blood sugar testing scores between doctor visits so he or she can see what is happening in your life. Remember, you probably only have 15-20 minutes with your doctor for each appointment, so be concise and to the point with what you say.
     If you are still having trouble controlling your disease, ask your doctor about giving you a longer-lasting insulin, and supplementing with regular insulin. 
     You can do this! There can be a lot of help out there for you, but searching and asking intelligent questions will bring what you need more easily. If you are a praying person, ask God to guide you to the right answers and give you the wisdom you need.


  • Dan Langerock

    Dan Langerock

    great app

    Dec 04, 2017

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