Nixon Redux? Read Count : 156

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Sean Hannity is whipping his mindless disciples into a frenzy in the hopes Fake President will see it and fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Hannity, as he typically does, degrades, misinforms and flat out lies. There is no truth or fact behind Hannity's drivel as per usual. Just biased bullshit. If Fake President bites on Hannity's urgings, it will create a constitutional crisis. Remember when Nixon fired his AG for not firing Special Prosecutor Archibold Cox? That worked out well for Nixon didn't it? The problem now is that the entire Congressional leadership in place at this time is not interested in having the truth uncovered. Their only focus is trying to ramrod half baked bills into law. It will not be surprising if it comes out that many of them are eventually linked to Russian oligarch money as well. I'm looking at you Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. People are saying ... Sad!


  • Fake news for butt hurt liberals, play on and keep crying. He won get over it.

    Dec 09, 2017

  • Mr. WFD

    Mr. WFD

    Oh, I am definitely biased. Biased against racists, traitors, corruption and liars. Other than that, I'm pretty laid back. Thanks for playing!

    Dec 09, 2017

  • Jean Gorney

    Jean Gorney

    Then I hope you didn't vote for O'Bama as he is very prejudice. He didn't even want to accept the fact he isn't black but a mulatto. I heard on TV his wife say she hated white people. Aren't you white?

    Dec 10, 2017

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