Read Count : 158
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
i am alone it's quiet completely silent there is no excitement there are no loud noises but that's not what you wanted to hear is it? you wanted to hear about how loud depression is how ironic it is for silence to cry out how much air you can scream out of of your lungs before the world goes completely black you wanted to hear about how much chests can swell before they break and how a heart can feel everything before it shatters I am wearing a lacy pink bra just for the sole purpose of wearing it underneath that is skin and underneath that is a beating heart a heart that beats to circulate blood through my veins knowing that if it stops I die it continues day after wretched day pumping blood through the tangled web of veins under my skin and I can feel my heart beat but why can't I feel anything else why am I drowning in my own head why is it so silent