Tainted Fate -Dodging Angels Series - Read Count : 153

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
"It's sad that some people learn the value of something when they no longer have it"

We see this often when someone does our
 hearts wrong and suddenly for a moment we are worth the moon and stars because we become something that is no longer theirs to obtain then they want that person like never before ,on the nights we search  for the moon are nights we don't see the beautiful glow and realize how bad we want to see it ,my heart has been through the worst what I can only tell you would make a great drinking game if your goal is death by the bottle .
But my drinking game was a human wich I think you all are curious as to whom and the series of wtfs that happened for a decade my beautiful almost . 
And that's what Logan Bell was my almost the boy I watched grow into a man and how both of them broke me in different ways you can never be 100% on how someone who you have loved is going to remain in your life but he was my person no matter how far the path ours still crossed but always when I was a mess and he .. 
He was still my Logan full of promise but who could never show me himself and if he did he never stayed around long he once told me he loved me more ways than one but I always thought if that was so one of the ways would have been shown in some way , games are pointless if you cherish someone then let them no be with them and deal with the bull later but some people are only meant to love and I never stopped he hurt my heart at a young age but we were only kids watching someone you love love another person who on purposely made sure he didn't choose you he was my krypton night sometimes he would look at me like I was something worth looking at no matter how big my Wall he still found a way to get inside I never had a home as a child where you remember it latter on and that was home to you, but when I was near him I felt like I was where I was supposed to be he was my home we looked at each other like we knew each other long before and we're trying to figure out what happened to us he use to tell me all the time it wasn't my fault it just didn't work out , but he was the one person that's opinions meant the most I cared what he thought but when he broke my smile I began to think everyone saw me how he did ,But God how I adored him you can't know how something will turn out but you still choose to love that person regardless it was a fate people like me don't get the boys like Logan I always told myself I think I did so I could find a way to stop loving him but loving him was my fate we could have loved each other my god how we could have loved each other 
my beautiful storm you can love someone with all your soul but you will never be of worth to someone who doesn't see it ,you can kick scream pray or beg and love them like mad but they can love another too the moments we had our refuse to make sorrow out of he was my season some people you can't make stay and words dont change them you either say to much or you dont say enough and then before you blink they are gone I'm not saying I can't live with out him I can I just don't want to ..
to be loved back by what you hold so dear is a lucky one we all deserve that, that person who is our safe places something we can run to but chasing storms was always an adrenaline rush but this time around he led me into the eye of it....
To be continued 


  • May 01, 2017

  • May 01, 2017

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