Don't Want To Let You Down Read Count : 143

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Chapter 1:
One morning I went  downstairs and saw my mom sitting on the couch holding an envelope. She handed  the envelope  to me and I opened it with trembling fingers because I was trying to think what was inside of it. I couldn't believe it, they were tickets to see my favorite band in the world, 5 Seconds of Summer! I screamed and hugged her and ran upstairs.(3 days later.) Today is the day of the concert! I put on my favorite 5sos shirt and ripped jeans. I brushed my teeth and hair,put on lip gloss, and went downstairs and ate breakfast. After that I ran to my car and drove to my friend, Isabella's house.(3 hours later.) We finally made it to the arena where they were playing at. We ran inside and checked our tickets, we were front row! "Could this day get any better?" I thought. Just then I saw them. Ashton,Luke,Calum,and Michael! I started singing as I always do when I'm excited or nervous. "Feels like we're on the edge right now" 
"I wish that I could say I'm proud"
"I'm sorry that I let you down"
"Let you down"
"All these voices in my head get loud"
"I wish that I could shut them out"
"I'm sorry that I let you down"
"L-l-let you down." I felt four faces staring at me. I looked up and saw them staring at me. "Sorry, you're just good," Calum said. "Yeah, really good," Luke chimed in. "Are you sure we don't need a fifth member?" Ashton asked the others. "Guys stop, you're making her blush," Michael told the others. "No it's okay, I get compliments like that all the time," I told him. A security guard began to take to the stage. "Wait! I want to tell"
"I want to Jaden something, see you on stage," Michael said with a wink.
"O-kay,that was weird," I thought as we went to our spots.
Chapter 2: 
The concert began. After a few songs Michael said "We would like Jaden McKay to come up to the stage." My heart beat faster as I walked up there. "We heard Jaden singing some of 'Let You Down' by NF, and we brought her up here so she can sing it for you guys," Michael told the other fans. "Okay I'll do it, but I'll need your's, Luke's,Calum's,and Ashton's help," I told him. We did an awesome cover and they let me stay on the stage for the rest of the concert. "We want you to come back stage with us," Michael said to me. I couldn't pass up that offer, so I went back stage with them. They asked me pretty basic questions like "What's my favorite color?" and "Who's my favorite member?"  Then Michael asked "Will you be my girlfriend?" It took me a minute to answer because I was to shocked to say and then I finally said, "Yes Michael Gordon Clifford, I will be your girlfriend." Ashton, Luke,and Calum were cheering for Michael who was smiling at me.
Chapter 3:
( 1 week later.) Today is my date with Michael! He's taking me bowling, so I dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.(10 minutes later.) I hear a knock at the door. I open it, and there's Michael looking cute and adorable as always. "Ready babe?" Michael asked. "Yeah," I replied, and he took me to his car. He opened the door for me. "You're such a gentleman," I told him. "Well I try," he replied. On the way to the bowling ally, I felt Michael every 5 minutes staring at me, and when looked back, he would blush and look at the road. (At the bowling ally.) The first game, Michael got his bowling ball in the gutter. "Aw,you'll get it next time baby," I told him. Then I closed my eyes and made a strike." "How the hell did you do that?" Michael asked. "Well,in middle school, I was on the bowling team," I replied. We had two games, I won the first and Michael won the second. After that I told Michael that did cheerleading in middle school and did a cheer for him.
Chapter 4:
One night, Michael was at my house and we were watching Netflix and cuddling. My purse was on the table, and I reach for my phone when I knocked it off. Everything in the purse fell out, including my steroids I have to take everyday to prevent an asthma flair. Michael picked it up and read, "If not used correctly, side effects may include mood swings,"  "Yeah, I accidentally did that once, and I ended punching my ex-boyfriend in the face,"  Michael just looked at the steroids,looked at me,set down the steroids on the table,and walked out the door. "No Michael wait, it's not what you think," I called after him, but he was already gone. I spent the next couple of weeks crying and figuring out how to get Michael back. When I did, I went to his house with my guitar (he taught me how to play.) When I got to his house, I stood outside the door and started singing the song I knew would get him back. "Feels like we're on the edge right now"
"I was that I could I'm proud"
"I'm sorry that I let you down"
"Let you down"
(Michael approaching and opening the door.)
"All these voices in my head get loud"
"I wish that I could shut them out"
"I'm sorry that I let you down"
"L-l-let you down"
(I stop because Michael's kissing me.) "I'm sorry Michael, I should've told you about the steroids and side effects earlier," I said. "No, I should've been more understanding of what you did because of the mood swing," He told me. "So does that mean we're back together?" I asked him. "Yes, we're back together," he reassured me.
Chapter 5: 
It's been a year since our fight and make-up. A lot has happened in that year. Isabella started dating Luke. My best friend Samantha started dating Calum. My other best friend Laura started dating Ashton. Anyways, today is Halloween and we're gonna throw our first Halloween party as couples! Since it was our first Halloween as couples, we thought it would be a great and obvious idea to have couple costumes. Samantha and Calum are Ariel and Prince Eric. Isabella and Luke are Belle and Beast. Laura and Ashton are Jane and Tarzan. Michael and I were rebels because we dressed as Joker and Harley Quinn. We have everything ready. We have three movie rooms. One movie room is "Nightmare Before Christmas." The second movie room is " Hocus Pocus." The third movie room is "It." At 5:00 everyone showed up for party. "Don't drink to much alcohol," Luke and Michael warned me and Isabella. But come on, we're 22 year old women, and they leave us right next to the alcohol. By the time the party ended, Isabella and I were so drunk. Michael started fussing at me, saying he specifically told me not to drink to much alcohol. He wasn't mad at me though, he was just disappointed. Isabella was having to deal with Luke fussing at her for the same thing. I drunkenly walked over to them and said to Luke, "Come on, we're 22 and you left right next to the alcohol, what were we supposed to do, pretend there wasn't any alcohol?" So then, if that wasn't enough for them, after the party was over, they made us go upstairs to our rooms like we were little kids. After a few hours, Michael came in to check on me. "You okay babe?"  "Yeah, still a little drunk though," I told him. He layed on the bed with me and we cuddled and watched Netflix. 
Chapter 6:
It's been three years since Michael asked me out and we started dating. Ashton and Laura got married a month ago. I was so very happy for them but also at them same time jealous. Today is Christmas morning, and I wake up to an empty bed. I tiptoed down the stairs and found Michael in the kitchen. Apparently while I was sleeping, he made us breakfast. "You really did all this?" I asked. "I wanted to make this Christmas special," he said. "You are so sweet Mikey," I told him. "Like I said on our first date, 'well I try,' "
He replied. After we had breakfast, we went in the living room, where the Christmas tree should (obviously) be. We opened the each other's presents and told each other how much we loved them. We cuddled and watched Netflix until it was midnight. Michael told me to close my eyes. I didn't question though because Mikey is well, Mikey. He told me to open my eyes. When I did, Michael was down on one knee with a ring. "Jaden, I loved you when I first saw you, I still do, and I always will, Jaden Alexandra McKay, will you marry me?" He asked. "Yes," I said while crying tears of joy. A few weeks later, we had our wedding at the beach. The colors were lavender,silver,and white. Michael's best man was Ashton and My bridesmaid was Laura. Everyone we knew came. It was the best day of my life, other than the day Michael asked me out.


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