Bannon Goin South Read Count : 162

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Bannon demonstrated that he still controls Fake President. He got the moron to finally come out for accused pedophile Roy "Woody" Moore. Not surprising as to how weak minded and corrupted FP is. Bannon then went on a rant about Mitch Romney and his family (Romney came out against both Moore and moron). He said Romney dodged service during the Vietnam war by joining the peace corp (Romney's Mormon religion directed his action). He then went on to deride the Romney family by saying not a single son of Romney served in the military. For some unexplained reason Bannon forgot to mention Fake President's "foot thing" draft dodge (Trump's religion of narcissism required him to tour Playboy mansions to party with bikini clad babes and to fight his personal war against getting VD). He also forgot that neither of the Trump boys served in the military. But they are always ready on short notice to grab their rifle and go to Africa to shoot and kill an endangered elephant. I'm sure Bannon will add the Trump family to his call of shame as soon as he remembers. Yea, right. SAD!


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