#525 A PEDAGOGUE Read Count : 124

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
A pedagogue is an authoritative teacher
And may sound like he’s right on the ball
With answers to all of your questions
But the answers you don’t seem to recall

They weren’t noted in your textbook
And you wonder where he got them
Pretentious as he may have seemed
You look to have backup to contend

He stands ahead of the class basking
In the assuredness of what he’s taught
But with persistence of a yeoman
You look elsewhere to answers for naught

You soon become quite loquacious
With challenges to the teacher’s domain
Finding then that it’s scientific experiments
And the answers to your questions remain

The idea of finding a hermitage
Becomes your looked for penchant
As you sleekly fall down in your seat
With your classmates in an uproarious rant

© Copyright 2003.09.03 by Jean E. Gorney


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