The Village
Read Count : 147
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
Writing this story to this day still....still makes my skin craw. I was in the 10th grade going on a field trip with my science class to see why people left this abandon village. The ride was a little weird but we did not care, we flipped off cars behind the bus, since of course we sat in the back. We got off the high way and was driving into the urban for about 45 minutes when we finally arrived. The sight of this village gave ghostbumps to probably just about everyone! These house was very very old and windows was boarded up with wood. When we got off the bus we all stayed in the group and searched around. But this one building....this one building stands out, It was huge. My friend which name is trevor and I snook off to this house. Well when we arrived we noticed something on the side of the house, It was like a well but different it had the bricks but what was different was inside this well was a ladder. Trevor and I looked at each others and decided for dumb reason to just, Just go down there. It was so quite, almost like to quite. We can hear our hands gripping the bars and our feet resting opon each and every bar. What we saw was a dark tunnel. We got our phones out and started to walk. We noticed steps and a door. As we approached there was this room on the right, no door attached, I was honestly a little paranoid so of course i had to check to make sure there was nothing. As i turned my light towards the room I saw something, these people. They looked old, eyes was so blood shot red and they were bent over looking at me, as if they were waiting for us. We ran and climb that ladder so fast and snook back into the group, to this day me and trevor have kept this a secret. I will never ever forget the way they were just sitting and waiting for us.
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