Not What He Seems: Chapter 2
Read Count : 143
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Horror
"So are you sure you are not just being catfished Ly?" Chloe, her best friend asked, adjusted her brown hair into a bun as she looks at her friend with her icy blue eyes, "He seems too good to be true." Lyla laughed, "He is the real thing trust me." she says, "We video chat all the time. He is just as handsome as his pictures ya know?" she pulls up a picture from her phone, revealing the gorgeous man with the curly blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Chloe sighs heavily, "Lucky bitch. So you really seeing him Saturday?" "Yep! That is why I must ask... Think you can cover for me?... Please!?!" she looks at her friend with her pleading green eyes. Chloe clearly tried hard to resist then sighing she holds her hands up as if claiming her defeat, "Ok. What are best friends for anyways right?" Lyla grinned and gave her a big hug, "Thank you! I owe you big time!"
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