Desperate Read Count : 119

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult

The boy stumbled, trying desperately to catch up to the other that was walking away; each step the other took was like a dagger to his heart and each pounding moment that passed as he flew by served as a sharper edge to the dagger that was already a stowaway in his body. His breath came out in ragged gasps as he hurtled his way down the concrete path. He fell a couple times as he ran, the rips in his jeans becoming larger, and through them his skin being torn. 

In spite of his condition, the boy didn't feel the pain of his tired limbs, the only think he could sense was the taste of bitter sorrow creeping up his throat and through his mind as he thought of what would happen if he didn't confront them. Finally, catching up to a few steps behind the downfaced other, he stopped to take a breath. His voice caught when he tried to speak, coming out as barely a whisper.

"Please," His horse throat choked out, "Wait..."

As if they could hear him, the hooded figure's head jerked up, their hood fell past their ears as they whirled around to face him. The sun caught on their shining eyes, the puffy redness stacked on top of dark circles visible in vivid detail in place under such bright, entrancing eyes that held their emotions so close to the surface.


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