“Radicalisation Or Azadi”
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Are we getting radicalized?Are people looking for freedom of religion or freedom of land?what does azadi means then? I contrary to many people who use religious slogans in the ongoing unrest in kashmir and think it’s fight for the religious supremacy rather than autonomous demands.This AZADI is about separate land which many people in Jammu and Kashmir are demanding since 1947 after its accession to Union of India,Kashmir has always stood for its syncretic culture and this land belongs to muslims,Hindus,sikhs ,Buddhists equally irrespective of idealogy,but looking at presentibility of social media and print media of our country who are giving it a new shape and presenting to the people of India in a different way,I used to listen from my grandmother that how Hindus and Muslims used to live way back,where we are heading now?one human speaking against the other,justification about killing and appreciation about wrong doing considering ones religion supreme and obsession about the past history which hardly finds relevance in the democratic setup. I was reading a news link which reads before demanding AZADI they should talk about the discriminations women are facing in saudi, about triple talaq blah blah,but have these people even gone through their religious text ever?are women very safe in our country?No religion teaches discrimination against anyone neither Islam does,and u can't recognize religion on the basis of few practising persons and if that’s the deciding base your mind and heart are in full chaos.we all need azadi not from someone or for land but from biased patriarchal establishment!giving previlage to son(son metachild) rather than being opiated by religion as Karl Marx rightly said”Religion is the opium of masses”. patriotism gets defined on the basis of chanting against Pakistan? but ehat if Pakistan doesn't have existed? how would have you defined ur nationalism? We should look for betterment and prosperity of our country,love our land,rather than indulging others in our opinion,we should look wherewe actually stand and work for betterment of education,healthcare,public infrastructure rather than development of religious idealogies and measuring the level how nationalist one is! We need revamp in our thoughts and hold our heads clean and cool We need to build educated society whi can understand the pain of lakhs of mothers their feeling,hopelessness what fathers are getting into,we shouldn’t get stolid about a human perception.we should stop appreciating over the Tweets of stars who demand about his mass murder,this will head us we towards bad nottowards properity.If things have to be changed,minds have to be changed.As Gandhi rightly remarked "Live as if you were to die tomorrow,Learn as if you were to live forever". _Irfan Qadir