Sahia's Hide Or Homicide Chapter XI
Read Count : 107
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Horror
Target Dustin and his bracket of friends are closing into the house near the dead end on Lincoln Drive. Chilly night air and a thunder snow is coming in from the distance. They could feel the pressure drop quickly within the air. They stopped at the front doorsteps. Dustin looked at his friends. They were all drenched with scruples and dread; he didn't blame them. "Okay guys," Dustin sighed. "We only have five minutes to plan our minds for the horror. We all know that only one of us would make it out alive. Most of us would die in very violent ways." "There goes our sanity." Alma morosed. They all sighed in grey. Dustin creaked the front door opened. They all sat in the living room in silence for a minute. "I can't believe that we had the courage to come back to this place." Alma sighs. "Ready to die?" "Okay!" Colleen pouted. "Enough negativity for once, time to think about the good times. Dustin, you go first?" "Penel and I sneaking out." Dustin said while almost letting out a tear down from his eye. "One of the funniest ways to get caught ever." "How so?" Colleen raises the brow. "To begin, this is when we were twelve. We wanted to go outside to buy some candy. Our parents weren't home, so we are not allowed to leave the house, therefore we snuck out. Penel and I are still sneaky kids. We walked to the store hoping that our parents don't fly by and see us. We got to the store and grab the candy. Before we could check out, our parents came in." Dustin smirked. "Holy shit!" George blurted. "What was their reaction?" "My mom and dad stared at us wierdly. Mom said "what the hell" in a quiet voice. Since Penel and I knew we are going to get spanked, we let out our humour." Dustin paused. "Penel joked "Wow, did you followed us or you're just pessimistic that we are going to steal something?" Dustin started chuckling. "Hahaha!" Alma laughed. "Can you tell us their reaction?" "They just let us pay for the candy then drove us home. When we got home, our parents screamed louder than ear exploder." Dustin replied. "They were swearing off their mind. Our punishment was being locked in our rooms. We are only allowed to leave the room only for school, food, or taking a sixty-nine or number two." "That sounds like prison." Tyler commented. She was watching them. They didn't noticed that she was there. Sahia was invisible and looking at the group chatting about their precious memoirs that she never had as a child. Sahia never had friends nor luck. She just had a husband along with two kids, a son and a daughter. Rachel, Malcom, and Scotty Lincoln were her only comfort. She was worried that they will be gone. Unluckily, they died right infront of her eyes. Men bust into the house. Sahia hide under the tight bed enduring her family's screams of bloodshed. Sahia can still hear their screams. The scenery replayed over and over as she fell into despair. The haunting memory still lingers although she's dead. She struggles with duality and the game of hide and seek was her hope of survival. She was the hider and the men were the seekers. Her family was found and they were killed. Hide and seek was a game of torment. Thrill seeking idiots whom dare to come by her house just to replay her own memory. Now, she is the killer. If they run, she'll find them and torment them just like the men did to her family. She stares at the group with a phlegmatic glare. Rumble! The thunder snow storm arrived. The teenage group sat in silence. "This is it." Ashley sighs. "Ready?" "Yes." Dustin nods with fear. "Goodluck." She whispers. "You guys gonna need it." Dustin takes a deep breath. "Sahia, we are waiting for you. We ought not to flee this time. From midnight to five, the game of hide and seek lies." He says into the silence of the living room. Everyone closes their eyes and mediated in patience. Time to pick! Sahia walked towards the group whilst they keep their heads low with their eyes shut. She didn't cause any sounds like she did last time. "Guys, I feel eerie and a cold presence." Tyler informs. "She's here." Ashley replies. "Shhhh!" Sahia smirked as she found a perfect target. A girl with short blonde hair and green eyes. The girl who flee within the first minutes of the game. That girl was known as Alma. Sahia attempted to get into Alma's body. It felt like a barrier that was blocking Sahia from entering. Alma was fighting, but not for long because it would be soon be too painful for her to endure. Alma let out a grunt while the group looks at her with deep fear. She kept on grunting until her eyes shot opened. Stares directly across to Colleen and Dustin with an unemotional glare. Her eyes slowly turned brown. "She won't run away from me this time." Alma hissed before letting out a chuckle. "And neither will you." The friendly cluster got up and quickly disperse away from the living room. The last game, Sahia did not count outloud until she shouts she's ready to seek them out. Now, they have to find their hiding spots that were different from the last game.
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