The Fantasy War Read Count : 83

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
                        Chapter 1
             Is this a nightmare? 

There was once a girl named Alex, she lived in a lovely city with her family. The year was 2069 and at the time she was 16. It was winter and Alex was just relaxing in her house by the fire. Everything seemed peaceful until...


Alex heard an explosion, she ran by the window and she saw something terrific..Hundert maybe thousands of men, they had some kind of weird guns and they were dressed in black... Suddenly the men fired the guns and started killing every single human on her city and destroying the city itself. Alex was terrified, she tried running but another explosion happened and everything went black... 

                       Chapter 2

Alex woke up, her vision was blurry and she could nearly see anything. Alex blinked a few time till her vision was clear, she could now see. Her house was destroyed, the city, the roads, everything. She could she all her fellow citizens dead in the roads, some even teared apart. At that point Alex was truly terrified, she was still young and didnt know what was going on. Her only thought at this point was to run. She got up and started running while also crying, so many thoughts passed her mind at that point, she was sad, terrified, lonely and defenceless. When she finally ran out of the city, she composed her thoughs, she was trying to figure out what to do. She came up in the conclusion to just find a shelter outside the city and survive the day. So she started walking again, she found what it Semmed like a small forest, there she found a small cabin and fell asleep

                      Chapter 3

Alex woke up, now she was more calm and ready to keep going. She didn't know where she was going but she knew one thing for sure. She wanted answers and she wanted them now. Alex got up and started walking more into the forest. As she was walking she felt determined but also scared, it was only yesterday that her hole life changed. While walking she stopped by a tree, she was hungry, so she took a break. As she was about to sit down she felt something sharp on her back. She gasped. What sounded like a female voice said:

-Don't you dare move, a mysterious voice said.
Alex now nodded slowly.

-Who are you and what are you doing here?

-I am Alex... I don't know how I got here but my city...Some men destroyed it... I really don't know what happened...please don't hurt me

The sharp object quickly left her back, Alex now turned and saw a tall woman, she had aqua eyes and she looked fit, she had pointy ears and long brown hair. The woman almost looked like she wasn't human. She glanced at Alex. The woman grabbed Alex and said. 

-You have to come with me, don't ask questions you will either way know their answers soon... Also you are a human, right?

-Erm... Yeah, why?

-As I said, you will know soon enough, now, come.

Will be continued soon. 


  • Hafiz Oktarisky

    Hafiz Oktarisky


    Dec 02, 2017

  • I hope you will all like my story and if you have any suggestions please comment it down below or messegde me =3

    Dec 02, 2017

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