A Dream Of A Dream. Read Count : 345

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance

The time is now. The location, some unknown beach. Rocks and boulders litter the coast. The water is an awe inspiring light blue, clear enough to see the coral reef and the plethora of life surrounding it. It's a comfortable sunny day, 77° Fahrenheit, with only a few cirrus clouds strewn across the horizon sky.You, with your perfectly shaped body. Your long balayage hair cascading over your shoulders. The swim suit you are wearing is a black one piece; accentuating your hour glass figure. Your long legs stretching out in front of you as you slowly approach the water's edge. You look back for a second and smile at me. Your kissable lips make me weak at the knees. Your glistening eyes always seem to have more depth each time I gaze into them. Jumping onto a giant inflated black swan, you drift out over top the coral reef.I watch the calm waves lazily pushing and pulling your float. Enthralled by the scenery and the moment at hand. Thinking to myself, "In a place this full of wonder, there must be some kind of hidden treasure." So I jog into the water, quickly diving under to further investigate my hunch. I see many wondrous miracles of nature all around. Looking at each creature with a newfound perception. Right before I start resurfacing to take a breath, I see a glimmer. I reach the surface and frantically catch my breath, I must hurry to see what that glimmer was. Perhaps there truly is a treasure. Diving back under the water I look and search for the glimmering object. Finally spotting it again, being pushed by the ever present current of the sea. Grabbing a handful of sand I hope to have grabbed the object as well. I make my way back to the coast anxious to see what the treasure is. Opening my hand and letting the sand fall away I see that the object is a ring. Immediately upon noticing what it is, I hear a voice "My boy.. I see you found something." I turn to see what looks like a decaying corpse of a man propped sitting upright against the rocks. Shocked by his appearance I stammer, "Ar-are you ok?!" He chuckles, sounding weaker with each bit of effort his body is exerting. "I'm not of this time. You need not worry of my well being, young man. I can show you a treasure as precious as i had back in my time. The object you found you can keep, I only ask one promise." I'm inclined to ask, "What do you ask that I promise?" He explains, "The object you found is your love incarnate, you must give it to the one you choose to be the love of your life. The light in your eye." I instantly think of you. I turn to look at you, still laying on your float above the reef. The old man quietly laughing to himself, "I see you've already found the treasure. So I needn't explain. Keep her safe my lad. Never forget how precious she is."I turn back to the decrepit man to thank him, only to be staring at the rock wall. I turn back to see you, only to be staring into the sea. I check to see if I am still holding the ring in my hand, but all I have is a palm full of sand. I look up with tears in my eyes to see nothing and no one. The time is now. The location is devoid of all light and sound.Copyright William Lamers 2017


  • when i see talenet i say something and its true

    Nov 19, 2017

  • Aug 30, 2018

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