Mull Over Yourself
Read Count : 177
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
If I ask you - Are you a multi-millionaire? Most of us will have an answer saying no. But now I’ll prove you wrong and make you a multi-millionaire. Consider a situation where a person comes to you and asks you to give your kidney for a few million dollars, will you give? Consider another situation where you are asked for your eyes for a few million dollars, will you give? I believe the answer would be no. Now if you consider similar cases with the rest of your organs then your body is quite costly, isn’t it? I guess I proved you to be a multi-millionaire. So don’t underestimate yourself, instead make efficient use of your body in the “right way” and you will certainly earn rewards. Rewards can be in the form of money, respect, smile, love, a hug or anything that makes you feel happy. Now what is the “right way” that I mentioned above? Right way means a tactic or an approach through which you do something without making others unhappy and get rewarded for it. This tactic or approach is a result of the use of your talent in a certain planned and disciplined way. You know every person has some natural talent in them. Now the question is that how can we recognize that talent inside us? A very simple answer to this query is that “do what you love to do”. But how will you come to know what you love to do? I can explain this to you with an example from my own life – When I was in college pursuing my engineering, everyday I would tell myself that I need to study my subjects seriously(because my grades were quite low). So I used to sit and start with my subjects, but within 15 to 20 minutes my interest towards my subjects would vanish and I would convince myself for taking a 5 minutes break. Then I used to open YouTube, watch dance videos and tried to learn them. Time would flow and I used to lose track of time and instead of 5 minutes break I would end up spending hours on this dancing stuff. What I wanted to tell you through this example is that when you’re doing what you love doing, you lose track of time. It is very tough for many of us to find out what natural talent we’ve got in ourselves. So, in search of that talent, we commit one very common mistake of copying talent that we see in others. We can treat others as our motivation but we should not try to copy them. When we see people getting successful, we get overwhelmed by their talent. Then we start copying them and because we humans have a lot of learning capabilities, we copy quite well to a certain extent and it gives us enjoyment for a short while. After a certain point that good feeling goes away and we start disliking it because we’ve been doing something which we think we enjoy but actually we don’t. It is actually something we enjoy watching others do, not ourselves. So instead of copying, try to know yourself and find out your natural talent. Find out what you love to do, go back in time when you were quite young. Try to remember what you used to do or think about, most of the times in your school days. When you were a child you had very little pressure about your career, job, family, relationships etc. so you used to do what you loved to do. This may help you find your natural talent but this is just one of the many other ways.