Robinwood Prep: Chapter #1 Read Count : 127

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
The Letter
It was a regular Summer day. It was Aug 10th, one of the last days of Summer Break. The Sun was shinning, the sky was a bright baby blue, so it should've been a nice and relaxing day. But for me, it was an important day. One that might change my life; or at least a year of it. Little did I know how bazaar my mailbox wanted to be today.
I was checking myself out in the mirror-as self centered as that sounds-to see if I looked ok for the big event that was today, or it's a big celebration for a lot of people. My smooth brown hair was recently cut to my shoulders to give it a fresh look. It was also brushed until it shined, like how you would brush a show pony until its coat glimmers.
My eyes shone with excitement and nervousness. Their baby blue light my eyes refected glittered in the light while my smile was wide with delight. In the middle, my tiny nose fit perfectly in my small face. I slipped on my fake, jet black glasses. I don't really need them, but they make me to smart and cute at the same time, so I wear them often.
I was in my usuall atire: a casual, too big for me t-shirt; this one black and whote checkered. My jean-pants-I never reallu knew what to call them- fit snugly on my legs with converse shoes slipped onto my feet.
My hands shook in excellent excitement-that's what my mom called it. And my legs were eager to run and jump and get started with the day. Instead my fingers brushed the sketches that littered the wall. The wall was covered in them-mostly people and family, but they had a few animals and landscapes pictures spread out over the room.
Once I was sure I was presentable, I turned around to head out of my bedroom when I walked staight into the bookshelf. It was filled with my favorite books of all types-fantasy, scifi, realistic fiction, adventure, and even a few horror and non-fiction alk stuffed into the huge shelf.
I then turned back around in the right direction, dazed, and stumbled out of the room.
I finally found myself standing in the kitchen. A sweet and crisp smell reached my nose: fried bacon and syrup was layed out over our granite island with my mom working fiercely to prepare it. "Oh hey honey, breakfast is almost ready," mom called, "But I saw the mailman come by earlier, but I wasn't able to get it or else the bacon would burn. Can you get it sweetie?"
"Sure," I replied, then practically skipped out of the front door. 
I then waltzed down the driveway, almost trip and fall, catch myself, decide not to skip anymore, and finally make it to the mailbox. 
A breeze flew past me, sending shivers down my spine. After that, I hurried to open the mailbox and snatch the mail.
As I shuffled back up the small rollong hill to get back to the warmth of the house, I wondered, why is it so chilly? It's August; it should be burning. Maybe fall is coming early?
Pushing away the thought, I quickly scanned the fronts of the letters. Magazines, a letter from Aunt Kelly for mom, and... a letter for me? 
I never get mail. Most people in the community don't even know I exist. I ripped open the white paper as soon as the door shut behind me and I was inside the kitchen again. I silently sat down at the closest chair at the dining and began to read:

Dear Amelia Love,
You have been ivited to the private school of Robinwood Prep. It has high academic standards, which you have greatly achieved. We have also noticed your uniqe talent to draw and sketch. We would be happy to recive you at our school, so we invite you to attend our orientation on August 10th and we hope you will decide to come. 
                                                                                             With best regards, 
                                                             Administator of Robinwood Prepatory,
                                                                                           Isabella Robinwood



  • Matilyn Palmer

    Matilyn Palmer

    Pls comment and give feedback. That was my first writing so I hope you like it!

    Nov 19, 2017

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