FIRE,WAR AND STRUGGLE #1 Read Count : 178

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
    "Today,we proclaim the Vlagoskaya    Empire has fallen to the glorious nation of Grantov!"
Chisanau,18 December 1857
     That moments Vlagoskaya or simply Vlaga has gone.Army of Vlaga has destroyed,mainly due bad leadership and a lot of desertion.Everybody is sick after the short bloody wars raging from 2 January-18 December 1857.
   Vlaga future is unknown,Vlagaskari
(Army Deserter) raping girl,killing and massacres anywheres.
    But that doesn't stop a brave mom named Anna to give a birth during wars,her baby is nicknamed Boy of Fires because he was born during the Siege of Vlino.He's name is.......

(Give your idea)
(This is my ever first story,if you have any critic or suggestion please tells me)


  • This is how the world will end!

    Nov 19, 2017

  • Hafiz Oktarisky001

    Hafiz Oktarisky001

    Tell your idea,critic,and suggestion. so that in the future i can make far more better story

    Nov 29, 2017

  • Helio Master

    Helio Master

    “He’s name is “ it’s wrong typing, he’s name = His name is ....

    Nov 26, 2017

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