The Pumpkin That Grew Part One The Pumpkins That Grew
Read Count : 57
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Childrens
It was the end of August the time that timmy always looked forward to. The pumpkins, Halloween, the leaves changing colors the crunch of the leaves as he runs in the backyard. One day timmy and his mom went to the store and he got some pumpkin seeds he had his mom plant them since he was only six years old. He waited every morning before school every night before he went to bed he watered the pumpkin seeds without fail every other day. Without fail then one day before school on his way out to the bus stop he was going down the steps of the porch and he seen one peak of Orange coming through the ground. Mom, mom there is a pumkin in the yard timmy said with his eyes widend and his voice full of excitement. Timmy couldn't pay attention in school he was to excited about his pumpkin growing I wonder how big the pumpkin will get? He thought to himself maybe it will get as high as the sky maybe I could win an award for the biggest pumpkin in the world
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