The Child:1
Read Count : 155
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
*knock knock!* "Who is there!?" I stammered with a bat in my hand. This better not be my ex stalker. The letter flap screeched with a stained envelope. "What is that? Is that... No it can't be! Not him! I thought he went to an asylum for trying to work with Satan!" I slowly reached to grab it when a flash of red shone before my eyes and I blacked out. *two hours later* I woke up to people speaking. One of there voices were very familiar. "She should be awake anytime. Why don't you go check on her?" "Ok boss!" I have to escape but how? .......................................... Addition By Anthony Rout: .......................................... I lay on the hard bed waiting for something to happen, I expected a hand to shake me or fingers trying to open my eye lids. However nothing happened, I just lay waiting. The voices I could hear became more clear, I counted eight, two of which were those I heared talking about someone being awake. It dawned on me suddenly that they may not be expecting me to be awake yet so I chanced opening my eyes. At first all I could see was white walls, no windows and I only noticed the door as I twisted my head slightly to look over my shoulder without drawing attention to myself. I was in a room, a small room at that. The door was open and the voices I could hear were outside the room. I shifted myself in order to sit up and my back was glad I did. That is when I realised I was not alone, sitting silently in the corner was someone watching me. .......................................... My vision was still blurry, but I definitely could tell it was a girl. Poor thing, she looks half starved. My vision became perfectly clear when suddenly, I heard the door open... "Prisoner no.76 is crouched in corner, as usual. HEY! YOU! DO YOU WANT SOME FOOD!?" She desperately tried to grab him and slap him, but she was just too weak. She got dragged into another room when I heard a whipping sound and screams, horrifying screams of pain. "NOT HIM, HE IS GONNA DRUG ME! HELP, ZYLA!" "Wait, how does she know my name?" "SHUDDAP!!" They punched me, they punched me over and over again. Oh, the pain was unbearable! I had to act, now! I will escape and nothing is stopping me! __________________________________ Addition: by Ivy-B S. ___________________________________ My vision was flurry. I had passed out again. I got out of the bed. The girl was nowhere to be seen. I crumpled to my knees. I didn't know if it was to the thought of the screaming girl, or to the pain. I lay there on the floor, still as stone. How would I escape? I crawled to the door and tried to open it. It didn't budge. Rats. Once I got used to the excruciating pain I was in, I stood up. Taking the pin out of my hair, I bent it so that I could pick my way out. Once I got the door unlocked, I cracked it. I could see a man go into a room. This was my chance. I sped walked quietly into the girl's room. I couldn't leave her. She was in the corner curled in a ball crying. "Hey, I am planning to escape, and I want to take you," I said. "Zyla...." she was in to much pain to speak. It was too sad, so I looked at the ceiling. I had an idea. There was an air vent on the ceiling. I looked around the room. There was a chair. The bed was stiff enough to keep it stable. I went and put the chair on the bed. I picked the girl up. She was light enough. She had blood and scars all over her. I laid her on the bed next to the chair. I unlocked the vent with my pin and picked the girl up again. I set her in the unit. I climbed up there too, kicking the chair over so that there would be no evidence. I screwed the vent back up. "Hey," I started talking and looked at the girl. I had to make her better so we could escape. I tore one of my sleeves off of my shirt and made it into bandages. I rapped her into them and said "you are going to have to move before they fine is," I said. She nodded and scooted towards me. I had slipped a map out of someone's pocket earlier. We crawled through the air unit until we got to the roof. "here we are," I told the girl. "Ready to escape to victory?" "Ready as ever!" With that, we jumped.... ********************************************** Added by Jeff V **************************hic***************** The night was complete, only starlight illuminating the rooftop, and below us total blackness, we had no idea the distance of the drop to the ground. We held hands desperately as we jumped, and our terror prevented any words other than a hiss of air as we surrendered to the greedy pull of gravity.... ____________________________________________ ...a monitor in a dimly lit room beeps and the technician leans forward and grunts. 'What is it?', one of the doctors ask quietly. 'Her body chemistry hasn't changed at all, but her brain activity is spiking again, Doctor. Look at this- her brain is firing up like a fireworks display...' 'She's already been diagnosed', the doctor mumbled to himself, then to the technician, 'she has never delineated from a vegetative state. By all accounts, she's been experiencing brain death for almost a year now. What's happened that -uh- 'woke' her up?' 'Doctor-', a nurse said at the head of the patient, 'her breathing is becoming more labored.' 'Ventilate her and give me more air...' _____________________________________________ ...the air whipped around us as we plunged, and almost immediately I lost the girls hand and I heard her scream as we separated. I knew it was only seconds, but I felt I was falling into an icky black abyss. It seemed too long a drop and I realized the fall may kill us. For all I knew, we had leaped off a 40 storied building. I was hoping for something to break the fall, vegetation- bushes or even a tree- something to slow my descent. As my own scream was ripped from my mouth, up through my throat, I could finally see the ground, rushing up at me with an insane speed, and I knew I was dead... ______________________________________________ ...'no, I thought she was dead. Her treatment hasn't changed, so why now. It's just amazing.' 'Doctor, her respiration is levelling off, but-' 'Doctor, we're getting another spike in her adrenal system. Her body chemistry is flooding her with endorphins. Her temperature is rising-' 'My god, I've never seen anything like this! Look at her! She's soaking wet...' _______________________________________________ ...the ground was dappled and reflective and my first thought was a huge plane of ice, and then I hit the surface and realized it was really water, the impact jarring my limbs harshly and blowing the breath from my lungs. The water was freezing cold and my gasp almost threatened to fill my lungs, but I struggled back to the surface, spitting water from my mouth and thrashing about. When I could breath again, I called for the girl, but I realized she was either under the water or I was alone. I tread water and turned to see a large ship moving away from me, and I suspected I had just made a terrible mistake. Death by drowning wasn't any better than where I had just come. Seeing no other options, land or ship, I decided quickly I had to cry out to the ship before I went unnoticed in the water.