Mutants-1 Read Count : 128

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure

 On a cold, stormy, night a girl with black hair and aqua highlights was walking to her friends house, Ray. That girl's name was Windstorm.
"Where are you, I have been trying to find your house forever" said Windstorm.
"Since you can't find my house, i'll find you at the 52nd street" said Ray. The call ended and Windstorm was all alone.
 While she was walking around the block she heard a metal clang. She turned around and saw cans on the ground.
"Must be the wind" she said calmly.
  While she was walking through the alley, she heard something fall behind her. She quickly turned around and saw a black cat with yellow eyes.
 "Black cats are always trouble" she said with confidence.
 While she was running through the alley, because it was raining,she heard a deep growl. She grabbed a long, metal, bar and said "who's there!" No one answered. As soon as she was going to turn away, a big creature jumped out and hit her on the head. She was knocked out.
 When she woke up, she saw a tall building that said "B-Corp" on it. 
 "Where are we?" she said unconsciously. The shadowy figure never answered. 
 Although her vision was'nt clear, she could still see she came in the building by the giant hole on top of it.
 While the big creature was carrying her to a small room, she saw people with bunny ears.
 "Could b stand for bunny?" she thought to herself.
 The shadow creature threw her into the room, on a chair. The bunny people where holding a pointy thing. One of them shot her with medicine through her arm. She fell asleep. All of a sudden, she woke up. In her veins, she felt something powerful, like something is calling her. She transformed into a terrifying beast and flew out of the building all the way to her house.
 She arrived just in her house. 5  more minutes left before her mom wakes her for school. She quickly ran to the mirror and saw herself. She was a griffin! 
 "OMG who am I?"
 To be continued.....


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    Nov 19, 2017

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