The Country Little Girl Read Count : 132

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
Long time ago I moved to the country it was back in the day when there was no lights and you have to getting water from a well it was the time when there was wood burning stoves and you had to wash on your hand it was back when you had to go to the General Store store to buy bags of flour and you grow your own vegetables you raise your own chicken pigs and cows double shotgun houses it was like 7 houses on one side and they had a place called The Sawmill quarters on the other side it was a place where everyone help one another it was a beautiful place Rocky roads when it gets dark you can see the stars so beautiful at night so one day I was sitting on my porch when I saw this beautiful little girl she had soft dark brown hair her hair was so curly brown eyes and a beautiful shaded coconut color she had on this beautiful little dress that you can tell it was handmade from a flour sack she had no shoes on her feet it had rained that day she had a piece of string in her hand and on the end of The string she had a little piece of fat meat and she was dipping this little spring in these little bitty holes accounts receivable financing I'm looking at her she gets her strength three times and then she pulled up crawfish and it was a big one she looked at so excited what a beautiful smile on her face and she raised up look across the other side where I live she seen crawfish holes there and she asked me could she come and catch her some crawfish in my yard so I told her I don't see why not she walked up to me and introduced herself to me she said her name was Louise and I told her my name where mrs. Ann she was so polite she told me that she lived three houses down for me and that her mother was named Pauline and she also had a brother and a sister so I asked her why are she all alone and these are the words that she said well I'm getting crawfish to fight their crawfish they went down to the pond to get their crawfish but I know I have the best and the biggest crawfish and they are going to beat all of their crawfish and I said well when you get through fighting them what do you do then she said we bought them and we eat them well she looked up at me with a beautiful smile on her face the sun light shined up on her eyes and she had the most beautiful as brown eyes and her hair was sorta like a reddish color when the sunlight hits her hair so she had a little coffee cans that she had her crawfish in and she said would you like to see them fight I told her that I never seen crawfish is fight before then she began to pour them out on my porch and she say see this big one right here and she got one more big one and put them together and I was amazed because she was so excited the Crawfish grab the other crawfish by the claw and as I was looking at her sitting there I'm started looking at her little legs she had whips all over her little legs also on her little arms my heart just broke then I wanted to ask her what happened to her but I couldn't and she got up to put her Crawfish's back into coffee can she said well see you tomorrow I got to go home now and I told her she's welcome to come back anytime but make sure it's okay with her parents before she could come back to visit me and I also told her be careful walking down the streets where those sharp rocks you make cut your feet put some shoes on your feet baby and she told me she say I have shoes but they're only for me to go to school as I watched this beautiful little girl walking back home with the smile on her face and she was so happy it was three weeks later when I seen the little girl again she was running and crying say mama don't whoop me Momma don't whoop me I'm sorry I won't pee the bed no more and I seen this lady that was walking behind her telling her don't you run from me the lady had beautiful black hair she looked that if she was in her early twenties and she had a loan Brown stanchion cord in her hand she was using all kind of profane languages towards the child the little girl finally stop and when her mother walked up on her she raised the card and if you could just hear it whistling in the wind as it was coming down to hit the little girl wet the little girl was just screaming and yelling mama please but the mother kept on waking her with the stanchion card going all the way back down the street just because the little girl peed in the bed my heart dropped into my hand tears was running from my eyes I felt so sorry for the little girl and could not help her it was three weeks later when I seen her again she came by and talk with me she said I am only 7 years old we have out houses so if you have to use the toilet you would have to go outside and she said that it is very scary at night I can't get anyone to walk outside with me so I can use it we have only one Peapod and that's only in mama and daddy room for them to use as she went on to say sometime I dream that I'm using the toilet and when I wake up I'll be done peed and the bed and my mother would make me take off my clothes and whoop me butt naked with a stanchion card overnight I peed the bed and the next morning mama would whip me the little girl showed me all kinds of scars from the stanchion card cutting into her little skin then she went on to tell me her grandmother came by and her mother was whipping her and the grandmother told her mother to give you can be the little girl some turpentine and sugar have to put it on the floor and let her Lick It Up at that time back in the days the floors was made out of wood I said oh my God then the little girl went on to tell me but it did not help her it did not stop her from peeing the bed so the mother what keep on beating on her with the stanchion card so the little girl looked up at me and she said with tears running down her face do you have any children if you had children are a little like me would you do her like that I looked at her and said no the little girl said I wish you was my mama part 1 of the country little girl


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