Will I Ever Be Better.. Read Count : 132

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Laying here thinking  of, 
How I wish I was just laid up with you 
Play fighting in bed
Touching, kissing, biting under covers or cuddling
Picking on each other, like cute couples do
 Or maybe that's just in movies?
Instead I'm stuck here missing you
Reminiscing on the good times in my head
From the beginning to the end
Thinking of how I can get us right
Keep us happy every night
I feel like I failed as a girlfriend
It hurts deep in my chest 
No matter what I try to do or say
Doesn't seem like I'll ever be good enough for you to stay 
If I dont do something you're not happy
Or if I do too much I feel like you start to back off from me
I hold on to words you've said
I'll carry them all until the end
Wish things were better
I feel like such a failure
And I don't think I'm ever gonna be much better....


  • Kennita Pombar

    Kennita Pombar

    no one ever is a failure there may be other things that may help your energy level or the way you feel abiut you .....

    Nov 16, 2017

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