Meet Me At The Last Train Read Count : 106

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Still, freshie feelings of laughter, madness, seriousness, joy for the deads. It has been major breakdown for those survivors of pH highschool. Last year , Anna had an emergency calls for her brother who had an accident. Hence she didn't participated in the biggest event of her school, 'the senior plays'.little did she know, that everyone in the school was then became the victim of fire that got up so quickly and vanishes each one of them in dust. Since then,she had a nightmare thinking about how all of her friends were gone just like that. Also, she taught about how was it like to be the only survivors of her batch.

'where am I?' she thought. It was a dark clear night and in front of her, stood pH highschool, the school that she went before it burns out in flames. She walked towards the school gates and wander around. Upfront, her beloved highschool sweetheart awaits her with a wave. She can't get hold of herself. She bursts into tears to see him. How she missed him so dearly. With a smile, he greets her without saying a word. She started to speak out, 'where have u been? I've been searching for u all this year's ,I've been visiting your grave weekly and I've been missing u every single night hoping to see you in my dreams!" ,With tears rolling her cheek. He then just smiled and said, come, let me show you around. She was glad to see him and convinced herself that she was dreaming. Nevertheless, she believes that this is going to be the sweetest dream she ever had in her whole entire life. He then brings her to meet her old friends. It was unbelievable to meet the deads, she thought. However, never she feel scared of them. They all greeted her with the biggest and warmest smiles. She just wished that the dreams will never ends. That night, she met her classmates and all of them smiles, and laugh and share their stories about their holidays. No one ever talks about the events that took their lives. Anna did not even mentioned it. For all she knows, she was feeling at awe to meet them again. However, their joy will not lasts. Adam told Anna that she needs to go now. He told her to go to the train station neaby ,just across the school. Her classmates also reminds her how their once fierceful warden is coming to get her. They told Anna that she will never coming back to the real world nor to stay with them if she got caught by him. Suddenly, a sound of the fierceful warden is heard from outside their classroom. They quickly hides her and brings her out from the school. Anna was sent away by Adam at the train station and they said goodbye to each other with the hardest feeling,thinking that they will never see each other again. Feeling devastated, Anna walks around the train station when she suddenly stopped. She saw a boy ,waiting on the station bench. She came closer to the boy and asked whether he was still alive or dead. He only smiles at her and said," I was once become just like you. I was the only survivors of a bus crash. Just like you , I met my classmates in my dreams. I fought with the scariest creature I had ever met in my entire life and I did not follow as they said, which is to go to the last train at 11pm. I thought I wanted to stay here forever. Since then, I got stuck in this world and always wandering around thinking how my real world looks like now". "Wow,you must be in here like forever",says Anna. "Why don't you stay then? "Asked Anna again. "Their world had an expiry, Anna, just like our don't think, they're still there like it was before do you?""wait a minute,how do you know my name? Plus,where else should they go then?" " I know everything about you, Anna. But you don't know me. I waited here like years and it took me by surprise how the journey in this world took me to know you each day and I took all of the pieces to get to you every day.until today, my last clue was that you will be waiting here, waiting for the last train and I'm super sure that this is going to be my last ones too as I finally met you",he said. "I don't get it. Who are you exactly? Who had been given you clues to come closer to me?" "Don't ask more, will you, there comes our last train. let's go.I'll explain everything in there,promise." The boy said. 
Anna follows him without hesitation as she felt sure that it was the best decision she ever made in her life. As they step into the train, the brightest light pops out of nowhere and Anna covers her face and started to scream out loud until.. 
She woke up in bed. Lying next to her is a man that she knew. It was her husband. The man was awake too. He cried and asked her whether she was okay. She told him she had been dreaming and told him everything. He smiled and said with a tears, "honey, you do know me, don't you?" "Of course, Jake. You're my husband". He then cried and hugged her so tight that she feels weird of him. "Did you know how hard it was trying to convince you that I'm your husband? Every day I had to put you to bed and told you everything about me, about us, about everything. You never remember my existence ever since the car crash. You don't know me at all. You only remember that you are a highschool girl who had a relationship with Adam and you can't accept the fact th see see details see seeat you have grown older. That's why I had to put away every single mirror in this house. "What? Since when did I lost my memory?" Asked Anna. " "Since last year. You haven't remember me at all. You said you will never love me the way you did before. You even asked me to divorce you,"says Jake sadly. Anna was surprised to hear that from her husband. She thought about her dreams earlier. She remembers a little boy that she met at the last train and finally recalls that was her husband. They originally met at the counseling sessions for traumatic patients who had experienced the loss of their close family nor friends.  Feeling funny she suddenly laugh out loud leaving her husband with questions. She then tells everything to her husband about her dreams and they finally laugh together thinking how God had created such a beautiful path along their journey to meet each other. 



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