Sea Salt Read Count : 130

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
"Look Aria." I turned to where my dad was pointing. All I could see was the calm vast ocean. A drip of sweat slid down my cheek. I couldn't concentrate on what my dad was pointing at, the heat was making me sweat like crazy, it was like eighty degrees outside. I sighed and looked at him. "I don't see Anything dad." He grinned at me and reached up to ruffle my hair. "Look closer Aria, you'll see it." I turned my head back to where he pointed at and squinted. Waiting for about a minute I was about to give up when I saw a tail flip out of the water. The tail from what I could see was blue! But the most weird part about it was that I swear the tail glowing like fireflies in the night sky. I gasped in surprise. "Dad! Did you see that?! I've never seen a tail like that before." My dad smiled at me but he didn't say anything. "What's wrong dad?" My dad reached up and smoothed back his short black hair, sighing he turned to me and gave me a straight face. "Aria...what do you think you saw?" I looked at him confused. Why was he so serious all of a sudden. This was expose to be a fun boating trip. I looked back at where I saw the tail splash out of the water earlier. "I don't know dad, I have never seen a tail like that before, especially a glowing one." He gave me an irritating look. "No time for an excuse Aria! Tell me what you saw!" My dad reached over and grabbed my shoulders. Freaked out, I started to push away from him. "Dad what are you doing? Please stop, I seriously don't know." I looked into his dark brown eyes pleading to him. His face grew even nastier. "Don't lie! Tell me Aria! Tell me!" He started to shake me even harder. I bit my lip trying to suppress my moan of pain. "Stop..please, you're hurting me dad." Tears started to surface from my blue eyes. "I gasped and woke with a start. I quickly reached over and turned on my lamp next to my bed. Huddling up in my green blanket I wrapped my arms around my legs. I had dreamed that nightmare again. It has been six years since I lasted dreamed about it....about My father. I wrinkled my nose in confusion. Why now? After all of these years it decided to come back and haunt me. I'm sixteen now. I was ten when I started to have that nightmare. The same age to when my father disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to my father, it was like he disappeared off the face of earth. My mother told me he disappeared when i was on that boating trip with him. A boat that was passing by found me sleeping on the ground. The couple called the coast guard. They brought me back and asked me questions, But i couldn't answer them because I didn't remember anything. My mom picked me up. I remembered her having a depressing look about her. Knowing that her husband was somewhere at the bottom of the sea, lost forever. The coast guard did a two week search near the area where my father disappeared, but they never found his body. Only that nightmare is the only thing that I can relate to. I wanted to deny that my father actually did that to me, but it seems so real, like it actually happened. I looked at my alarm clock on my little night stand. It showed that it was only four A.M. I rolled my eyes. was I expose to go back to sleep? I'm wide awake now. I turn my head and glance at my window. I smiled at the view that I saw. Every morning I got to wake-up to the view of the rolling waves on the shore line, and the beautiful blur ocean. But since it was still early morning I couldn't get the full memorizing affect of the view later before me. My mom and I lived in a beach house on th sandy shores of Australia in a small town called Murrlagoon. It was a nice little town full of welcoming people that I knew since I was a little girl. My father grew up here and met my mother who was a tourist. They fell in love and here I am. I pulled my blanket off and hopped off my bed. It made a Browning sound when my weight was off the bed. I looked at my old bed in disbelief. I seriously don't know how this bed is not broken. It used to be my dads when he was growing up. Then he gave it to me and I have had it ever since. The old brown wood looked like it was about ready to snap and break. I was planning on getting rid of it a long time ago but I just couldn't. It's the only few things left that I have e of my dad. I walked to my door and opened it slowly. My mom was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. I slowly walked down the old wooden stairs and walked to the red front door. I walked outside and quietly closed the door. I ran down the concrete slabs that painted our front drive way and ran behind the old yellow house to get down to the beach. I laughed and started to twirl. My feet hit the mildly warm sand. I smiled and ran down to the shoreline. Ever since I was little the beach has always been my favorite place. I felt alive when I was near it. I say down in the sand and stared out at the vast ocean. I smiled to myself. So beautiful. All of a sudden I heard a big splash near the the right side of me. What the?? I quickly got up and looked around. I couldn't see anything in the water. It was too dark out. It must of been nothing. I shook my head and decided to walk back to my house when I heard another splash. I quickly spun around. My eyes caught a glimpse of a glowing blue tail. I gasped. That was the tail from my nightmare! I ran to the shores edge. Squinting to see better I saw the splash again, the thing was getting closer! Backing away slowly I started to walk away when I heard something call my name. I could barely hear it at first but it started to get louder. "Aria! Aria, Aria!" I screamed in surprise and fear. That sounded like my dad! I quickly stepped back to the waters edge. "Dad! Is that you?! I stoped and waited for a reply. "Dad, please answer me!" Tears started to swell in my eyes. I saw movement in the water. "Dad!" I ran splashing into the water. I ran until I could no longer touch the sandy ground. Floating I started to call out to my dad. "Dad! Dad where are you!" I swam out farther. Salty water got into my eyes and mouth while I tried to swim. Something grabbed my leg as I tried to swim. I screamed in surprise and tried to pull away. Fear was seeping into my bones. The thing pulled me down under the water. I kicked and wiggled but I couldn't get free. My eyes were closed shut because I didn't want to get the salty cold water in my eyes. But I had to see what was dragging me under. I opened my eyes and saw a creature that you only see in horror movies staring right at me. It gave me a sickening smile showing it's razor stack of sharp teeth. I screamed allowing salty eater to stream down my throat. The thing flicked it's glowing blue tail while still holding my leg and dragged me down deeper. I reached out my left leg and kicked the thing in the back. It looked back at me and hissed. It's eyes that were  shade of purple turned black in an instant. It reached out it's free hand and a knife like finger nail flicked out. It pointed it at my chest and stabbed me with it. I groaned with pain. My vision started to fade. I could see my blood flow around me. It pulled out it's finger nail and pulled me down again. I was to weak to fight back anymore. The last amount of oxygen in my lungs left me. Bleeding out, the darkness slowly engulfed me.   "Dad, what's that?" I pointed at the the thing that was looking into our boat. It grinned and hissed at me. "Aria! My dad stoped what he was doing and grabbed me. The thing hissed again and splashed back into the water. "Daddy what was that?" I started to cry. "Shhhh it's okay baby." My dad wiped away my tears. It's gone now." He looked at the spot where it was. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Of course! See?" He walked to where the thing was and leaned over the boat. "Nothing here. Now let's go home." Before he could walk away the thing came back and grabbed his hand lulling him into the water. "Dad!" Crying and fearful I huddled into the middle of the boat and cried myself to sleep.


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