Sbashdon X Claude Black Butler Part 2 Read Count : 170

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Claude was stud at the door!Sbashdon let him in and thay sat in silence.Then.suddernly "I saw you got a boner," Sbashdon said while he was blushing "It was grell.He was talking about...well...errr.......UNDERTAKER ye thats it,Undertaker," Claude studerd.there was silence."do u want some tea," sbashdon said kindly. Caude thought yes but i want some milk like your snow white skin.Claude was geting a boner again.Sbashdon sighed "u need to get rid of that,we have a spare room were u can stay for the night."Followed by Claude,Sbashdon led him to the spare room and opened the door but Claude did not want to go in nor did he wont to sleep alone he wanted to sleep with Sbashdon!


  • Trygon Skiller

    Trygon Skiller


    Apr 27, 2017

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