Trump's Revised Health Care Plan? Read Count : 239

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Trump's revised attempt to replace the Affordable Health Care Plan (aka Obama Care) has been leaked to have two critical changes:
-People with pre-existing conditions will pay a hell of a lot more money than they do under Obama Care. 
-No maternity benefits.

What other health coverage benefits will we be forced to lose in Trump"s and the Republican's relentless pursuit to increase profits for insurance companies?

The bottom line is simple: Trump and his fellow insurance industry apostles (Paul Ryan and his followers) are willing to let people die to allow those companies to increase their earnings. SAD!

Health care coverage should be a right of every American. Health care decisions as to treatment should be made between the doctor and patient, not a for-profit third party insurance company. Single payer health care is the right path. We need to make this happen.


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