Journey Through Stars And Beyond
Read Count : 148
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Childrens
Amelia Anderson was always the top of her class. Not because both her names start with 'A', but because she was a VERY smart kid. She even skipped two grades! As a job, she hoped someday to be author, or even a loyor maybe. Until she whent to her mom's work on 'Take your kid to work' day.... As she and her mom are driving, Amelia realizes she had never seen what her mom does exactly. She was an astronomist! They both thought the idea was cool. Amelia had never really looked into science, though it was her top A+ class! She knew from that day what she would be..... An ASTRONAUT! She just loved astronomy. So cool, and interesting. So Amelia searched online on her little computer requirements to be astronaut. Health, strength, height. Because she skipped two grades, Amelia finished school at 16 years.... She had plenty of time to work on many requirements to accomplish her dream. After years, she started training and studying in University, and applied for courses, and finally after a few years, a JOB! And guess what??!!! She got it! To Amelia outer space was a legend, or an alternate universe. But beautiful too. She loved her job and her dream. The stars were so pretty. And gravity suddenly disconnected, what wonders space brought. She told her story to her kids, who would follow their dreams someday too.
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