The Raipest Next Door Read Count : 120

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
"Sarah Jessica Palin! Wake up and go to school! "

I let out a deep sigh, pulling my pillow over my face. "I hate school!" I shouted back.

My mom and I usually had these kind of arguments before school. It was nothing new. Still, I'm so tired of staying up until three in the morning just to do homework. It's not fair, some of us have actual lives and need a little extra help with the work.

"Now!" My mom called upstairs in her deadly, "No nonsense" voice. Unless I wanted to have my phone taken away, I had to get up, and fast.

With a big stretch, I leaned over to see my alarm clock. Squinting, I could just barely make out the numbers, having not put in my contacts yet. 6:45. I yawned, but then the time processed in my head. Oh my hot burritos on a Mexican Thursday! Five minutes! I practically jumped out of bed, into clothes and out the door in like  5 seconds. I know, I'm a ninja.

"Thanks for the warning, mom!" I yelled at her as I ran into the kitchen to make myself toast. Knowing I didn't have much time, I opted instead to just grab an uncooked raisin bagel. Hey, they actually taste pretty good.

My mom smiled wistfully at me. "Ah, to be young again. And I did warn you! It took me like, fifteen minutes to wake you! Now get outside to the bus stop!" She whacked me with an oven mitt, and I smiled, grabbing my backpack and heading outside. My mom had me when she was pretty young, so she was still, "Down with the hip times" as she would put it. 

I ran outside, making it to the bus stop just as it began to drive away. My eyes widened, then furrowed with determination. I was /not/ going to miss this bus today. I started running as fast as I  possibly could, channeling my inner sonic. In reality, I'm sure I looked like some kind of Walmart shopper trying to sprint to get the last Twinkies box on sale, but whatever.  

After what felt like miles of running, the bus finally stopped for me. I got on and sat in the front seat, seeing the bus driver shoot me an apologetic, yet amused, smile my way. I sighed, closing my eyes to "rest" them for a bit. 


   The beginning of the day started like a typical Thursday. In case that isn't a good enough visual, it started off like any school day ever. Boring. Today I was starting with D block, which was band. I play the flute.

The way my school works is there are seven periods a day. A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Every day, the schedule rotates. So, the next day would be B, C, D, E, F, G, A. The second period is, "long block" which is an hour and five minutes. Fifth period is lunch block. Pretty confusing, I know.

  By the time G block came, I was hearing quiet rumors that there was a new boy in the school. Now, I don't like to pry or listen in on conversations or anything, but if anything is worse gossiping about in /my/ school, then it must be pretty dang interesting. I haven't seen this boy yet, but most of the people talking about him haven't either. Pretty or not, all the girl's will want him. Gross.

What I don't understand is this: Boys can sleep around with as many girls as they want, but when a girl tries to do that, she gets called a slut or a hoe. Not that I sleep around or anything. I'm pretty sure I'm considered a "Geek" in my school. But still, that doesn't sound very fair..

Fine. My best friend, Lily,  may have slept with Connor Oiple. Aka, The school goof. Somehow, word got around and pretty soon, everybody was calling her a hoe. But /he/ was congratulated by the boys. That's so messed up. Oh, and don't even get me started with boys and girls sports! Society  is so sexist, but it's not like I can do anything about it.
Besides all the rumors, the rest of my day went pretty great. That is, until my bus ride home started..

I got on the bus just like every other day, pretty normal, pretty chill. Except. This time  literally /everybody's/ eyes were on me. I hated to be the center of attention, so, naturally I froze with a really stupid look on my face. I turned around, my fight or flight instinct kicking in, then I saw the new kid right behind me. Well.. now I know who they're all looking at.

And let me be the first to say, he was hot. Like, really, really HOT. I'm talking the Sahara desert hot. No, better yet, Death Valley hot. He has big beautiful hazel eyes and light brown hair, but it looks like it's bleached a little. His hair swoops to the left, resulting in a hairstyle that must take a whole lot of hair gel. Any holy cow, his jawline. It was perfect. He's not too tall or too short, looking to be about 6'2. Hes wearing a leather jacket and jeans, but not skinny jeans. They actually fit him.

"Excuse me.. Can you take a seat please?" His voice wasn't as low as I expected it to be, but it wasn't too high either. It had a slightly amused and sarcastic tone to it, if even possible.

Oh my gosh, I was just standing there staring at him! All eyes were on me and every one was laughing. Now I'm going to be viewed as that creepy girl who just stared at the new boy, basically eye raping him and everybody was going to call me "Freak girl" or "Staring girl" and-- I'm still staring at him.

"Ahh... ya. Mm... yes..."
Oh no I'm blushing way to hard. Now he knows I was just ogling him, and so does everybody else, and holy cow is he still standing here? I need to go sit down before I look even more stupid than I did before.

I turn around and sprint to my seat in the back of the bus, tripping over almost everyone. Oh my gosh, I look so stupid!

I sat down, placing my backpack next to me and taking out my earbuds, still feeling the blush on my cheeks. I heard somebody clear their throat next to me, and peeked up at them from under my bangs. It was /him./ And holy crap, he wanted to sit next to me! I pulled my backpack onto my lap, scooting over as close to the window as I could. He sat down, getting comfortable. Like in the same seat as me. Inches away. Why?  This was taking a lot of time to process.

Hi I'm Sarah. No. That sounds too chill for just meeting someone. I'm Sarah Palin, how are you? No. That was just creepy. ...Who are you?  No, no, no. What to say? What to say? 

"Hi, I'm Zack. Zack Raven." His smile is so cute even if it's just a polite one saved for people you just met and oh my gosh he said that just like James Bond and I can feel the blush coming to my cheeks again. Think, say something before the silence becomes awkward!

"I'm uh.. ah.. h-hot-- I mean.. Hi, I'm Sarah Palin." Oh my gosh I'm so stupid.

"Are you sure?" He was making fun of me and it was so cute and he had this little smirk on his face.

I am so girly right now I could get sick! Why am I acting this way? I've never liked anyone before, like, ever.

"Hahaha, sorry it's been a long day." Lie, it feels like I just woke up, and I laughed for way too long. He cleared his throat again, trying to politely continue conversation.

We talked a little bit about ourselves like people typically do when they first meet, but then Kristina Kane took ahold of Zack and didn't let go. Like, at all. 

I spent ten minutes trying not to laugh at him, as I could tell he wasn't interested, but some people just can not take a hint, and she kept on flirting with him anyways.

Thank God, my bus stop is finally here. I can not take any more of this girl trying to subtly pull her shirt down while maintaining eye contact. Whatever, if that dude is into those kinds of girls, he isn't a good person to begin with. I get off of the bus and hear the doors close behind me then open again. Out comes Mr. James Bond. We make eye contact and he points to the house next to mine. He must have moved in next door. 

Sweet. I mean-- what ever.

I walk into my house, taking off my shoes as unnatural warmth from the oven hits me. I sniff the air, and smell something heavenly and delicious. Mm, my mom must be making cinnamon buns.

My house is big but small. ..If that makes sense. It has two medium bedrooms and one king sized one. My mom sleeps in the kings room and I have both the small ones. I know what you must be thinking, "How does she use two bedrooms?" Well, one is for my music editing and creating and such, and the other one is just my bedroom. My house also has a living room, kitchen, and three complete bathrooms. One in my room, one in my mom's, and one next to the living room. 

I follow the smell to see my mom in the kitchen, talking on the phone. She seems rather distressed.

She places the phone down for a moment, rubbing her eyes as if she has a headache. Not wanting to disturb her, I say, "Mom I'm going up to my room."

"Wait, honey." She says in her motherly voice, making me immediately suspicious.

"Ahhggg!" I sigh, turning around and going back to the kitchen. I hate leaving my room. It's safe and fun up there.

I walk into the kitchen and see the deliciously fresh cinnamon buns. I'm pretty sure drool falls down my face as I get myself a plate and grab a cinnamon bun with extra sugar glossing. My mom says good bye to whoever was on the phone and turns to me once more.

"Well.. we have new neighbors." She says with a complete deadpan.

"Yeah, I met their son on the bus." I said nonchalantly. She's acting really strange right now. Usually she asks me about my day before she launches into whatever conversation she wants to have. 

"I just got informed that their son Zack Raven has.. has been accused of rape and just got out of jail."

WOW! Just...WOW! shot...rape...jail...neighbor. Oh my gosh..

"Well, that's very kind of them to tell us.." I say after a silence, clearing my head.

"I don't want you to hang out with this boy. He's already a bad enough influence on his two sisters I'm sure, and he doesn't even have a father to set him straight."

There was a long pause. She was being really hypocritical, seeing as my father had kicked the bucket a long time ago as well. But.. he seemed so nice and he's /really/ hot.

"So.. It's him living with three girls and two girl neighbors?"


"Okay. I'm going to my room now." I decided to just take my mom's advice for now and ignore this new neighbor boy.

"Aright.. Dinner is at six sharp, there's left over spaghetti in the fridge. I'll be working a little bit later on, so don't come into my office."


When I get to my room, I immediately flop on my bed in exasperation. Then I get right back up and repeat the process about three times until I get it right.

Okay I need some fresh air. I walk to the window, open the curtains, and instantly screamed. Zack was right there in the other house in his window our faces were like, a foot away from each other. For some reason we stayed like that for a few seconds. His beautiful eyes were wide open and filled with surprise.

Common sense came to me, and I pulled my face back. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I screamed. 

"I'm getting air," His voice is soft and his tone is tough, yet slightly amused. " What are you doing at my  window?"

"My window, you mean." Unlike his voice, mine is sharp. 

There was a piercing silence that went on forever while we both answered each other's questions in our heads. Our rooms are across from each others. Feet. Away. From. Each. Other. I groaned in frustration. 

That night I couldn't sleep at all. 

Whenever I closed my eyes, all I could think about was the rapist right outside my window.

I swore I saw someone in my bedroom corner, but when i turned my lamp on there was nothing. I felt half like I was Bella Swan and Edward Cullen was watching me, and half like I was five again afraid of the dark. 

I looked over at my alarm clock, hunger beginning to strike from the amount of time I had been awake. 5:30, it read. I figured getting up half an hour early wouldn't kill me, and perhaps I could work on actually getting to the bus on time today.

Hah, who was I kidding? I was probably going to be late no matter what I did.

Once I took my fuzzy blankets off, it felt like I was in Antarctica. Hopping on one foot at a time, I managed to get an outfit ready for the day like a pro. Legit, I was zipping across my room faster than all those old men on tv who raced around on one foot for fun.

Oh wait, that might have been the news talking about another mine collapsing. . .

Slightly embarrassed by my own thoughts, I stepped into my walk-in closet and closed the door before getting dressed. It was tough to do so in the nearly pitch black darkness, but I managed. 

I also may or may not have accidentally put my arms through my pant legs.

Looking into the mirror, I checked myself out. And not to brag or anything, but boy was I hot. With a capital H. Like, I was hotter than an oven baking a delicious treat. I was a delicious treat. And I looked yum.

At first glance, it seemed pretty normal. Ripped black jeans, striped black and red shirt, and a locket my father gave me when I was younger.

Okay yeah, I looked normal and not hot at all-- but I need to compliment myself in the mirror every day or else I'd probably burst into tears.

So yeah. Not the best impression. 

And I'm not going to lie, I - once again - barely made it to the bus on time.

"Morn'in." I mumbled as I passed Mike, my bus driver, and headed to my regular seat.

The bus started moving again only to jolt to a sudden stop. Annoyed, I looked up to see what I least expected. Zack with his perfect complexion and dashing eyes was running to the bus as if his life depended on it. 

Pfsh. What a loser. Who ever runs to the bus like a maniac? It's called being on time. Duh.

He got on the bus and I had just enough time to note the slight redness in his cheeks in the back of my mind before I sunk down into my seat like some kind of squid. I didn't even have enough time to hope he wouldn't sit next to me before he plopped down in my seat, as if he knew I'd been there the whole time.

I waited for him to make Herbert the Pervert eyes at me before licking his lips like some psychopath going through puberty, or shove some rag over my face. But he didn't do any of that.

He just simply scooted a little closer  to me and looked down at his phone

I wasn't going to talk to him. He was scary. He was a rapist. I was not going to talk to him for the whole bus ride.

This logic of mine lasted for about five minutes before I caved, his profile being too gorgeous and almost ensnaring me like a vice. His looks were dangerous. They could kill. And I think he knew that.

"Uh, good morning." I manage to say, peeking up at him from under my bangs. 

"Oh yes. Yes it indeed is." He managed to say somehow mysteriously and wistfully, as if he knew all the secrets to the world and I had just unlocked it for him by saying those three words. He grinned down at me. "So, where do you suppose the best places for skipping school are in this town?" His grin turned charming, and I almost fell for it.


Stupid perfect boy with stupid perfect charm. He just had to be a bad boy.

"You shouldn't skip class." I said firmly, but I once again soon caved to his pleading glance. I Sighed. "Buuuut, the stairs don't have cameras, and no teachers are around during Band. You didn't hear that from me." I said quickly.

"Well lookie here, seems the good girl has a bad Girl personality after all." He responded with a cheeky smirk, and gosh any face he made he could pull off. He could be burping and sneezing at the same time and he'd find a way to make it work.

Or he'd like, get sick and puke, but You know. Potato potato.

"I'm not a bad girl. I'm just not the best girl." I answered honestly. I try to work hard and be nice to everyone, but I'm not afraid to skip class to beat somebody up for bullying my friends. You could call me a bad ass good girl.

Or you could call me any girl ever, but I preferred the former.

"Ah. So you're one of those people in the middle." He said. "That's funny. In my last school there was only goodies or us."

I kept in my internal thoughts that the school was probably a prison, and kept conversation going.

"Huh. What school was that?" I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"You wouldn't know it." He answered vaguely, and I could tell I'd hit a nerve. That also confirmed in my mind that the school was probably jail.

We sat in silence for the ten minutes left of the bus ride, and when we got to the school he let me out in front of him. I graciously accepted his offer, running off before all the blonde bimbos' could swarm him and leave me unable to get off the bus.

It was kind of disgusting, what those girls did. What kind of upbringing would you have to have in order to act the way they did?

"Another boy for them to obsess over." I heard my best friend Lily say from beside me, and I rolled my eyes. 

"I know right? It's kind of gross, honestly." I replied, staring at Zack one more time before turning to face her. I pushed down a sudden jealousy in my stomach, and said the first thing that came to mind.

"Did You Know he went to jail for raping someone?" I blurted out, almost shouting 'Shit!' Afterwards.

"Wait, what?" She asked, Shocked. I could imagine her spitting out water if she had been drinking any at the moment.

"Aw man." She said sadly. "He was kind of cute."


Lily and I split up after the first bell rung, since our lockers were really far away from each others. I couldn't get. . . Him. . . Out of my mind. 

"Ugh, just think of something else!" I said out loud to myself, looking at a poster of a volcano and steering my brain towards that.

"Yeah, science is cool. Well, volcanoes are hot but that's beside the poi- oh!" I heard a notification ding from my phone and saw that I had a Facebook friend request. It was him. Zack Raven, the rapist. And he friend requested me.

And look, he just happened to be right in front of my locker too!

Oh boy. This was going to be a long day.

Oh, no. He is in front of my locker. Act normal just ask him to move, you got this. As i get closer i can hear their conversation, something about football. He'll problably join either that or another sport, basketball, baceball, ect. now I'm  right in front of him, he looks at me, but i just stand there. Just tell him to move.

"Your in front of my locker." i stand straight and pull on my determined face.

"Oh sorry. My lockers right next to yours." he pauses "Its sarah right?" he smile-smerkes again. dang ill never be able to be mad at him if he keeps doing that.

"Ya. you should probly get to class."

"Ah. look some little girl telling us wat to do, its another Ms.River."

Ms.River was a teacher who last year would yell at the kids and tell them what to do every second of the day, she was the worst teacher ever to be called her is a huge afence.

"Okay." it gets the cheerleaders  mad when your fine with what they call you. truthfully i dont care its there issue​ if they don't like me.


After getting my books and binders i head to honors math. ownce i sit down the bell rings and class starts. im well on to problem 6 when there's a knock at the door i walk up to open it only to see Zack. 

"What are you doing here?" i said in a mean voice without even thinking about it.

"This is my E block class." 

"Oh." i open the door to let him in. then sit back down.

"Oh yes Zack, just take the seet next to Sarah ill get to you in a minute ."

Why is the whole unaverce agents me.

He sits down and emidiely takes out something i cant quite see unless i look over, which im not doing, its an electronics but i don't think its a phone.


A whole 30 minutes of sitting next to him is tiring. He doesnt even have a pencle. Thank fully i see lil when im walking out of class. I run to her and immediately pull her in to the closest bathroom and lock the door. i look around to make shure no one is with us before​ i run to the sink and splash my face with water.

"Is he bothering you?" damn she knows me.

"How do you know?"

"Hes your neighbor who went to jail, girl you've never been atracted to a good boy you like the bad boys."

"no. im not atracted to him. Hes to, to um..."

"Ha you are. Give in sar im right."

Im silent in surender.

"now  go out there and kick some hot boy butt!"

she always knows what to say.

I cant take it hes in my B block gym, D block english, E block math, and my G block honors art - whitch surprised me alot. Hes even in my after school pop dance club. The one without the cheerleaders. The worst part is he dances like a pro. Know im going home and hes going to be there too, about three feet away from my room. When will it end! 

Its finnnaly time for bed, whitch is really time for my laptop. I sighn in to Facebook were his friend request is, i click on his page and look at his pices. Most of them are of his friends, he didnt post much but one post cought my eye. RIP Samantha: Its been Two years and twenty one days since you were born, i miss u lil sis : (
Oh my god he had a sister that died. After seeing the date she died and the date were he whent to jail- i looked him up on google- i disided to folow him. The time of his sisters death was near the time of his situation . poor guy. 

Right when i put my laptop away on my bookshelf and start to drift in to dreaming i start to hear yelling from next door. i can tell his lights on so for some reason i head for my window. Theres a chair near my window so i sit and open it. There are lots of boxes on his flor along with a blow up matres and a radio. Hes in the door way yelling at his mom whos in the hall. "I dont want to talk to him! Tell him hes already had a million second chances!" He must be talking about hid dad. Theres no mare yelling he walkes up to her and tells her hes going to beed. By now im almost asleep leaning in the window. 

"Hey you should probly sleep in your beed." Zack wispered calmly i open my eyes to see him two inches from my face.

"oh sorry, its just i heard the yelling and um...ya."

"Its oh k. just head to beed or youll never be able to get up in the morning" I slumply get into bed.

I can hear him closing the window and when its closed it opens one last time. "Good night sarah." i hear him wisper befor i drift to sleep.


I wake up by hearing horable loud rock music.

"What the fuck is that!" i storm to the window tear it open "turn it down!"

Zack just smirks at me. Without thinking i climb out of my house and into his room, walk acros the room, and turn his music off. He just stairs at me with his hot hot face....(time passes)
OH! SHIT! it takes me a moment to notes were i am. my heart beat sterts raceing! i run to the window and climb back in my room closing the window behind me. 

after getting ready for school i eat a granola bar and head for the bus stop. Zack isnt there yet so i can relax. i pull my phone to text Lilly:

sar: u at school yet?

Lil: no i ran in to Kile

sar: ooohhhhh did u kiss him

Lil: well......

sar: omg your such a player!

Lil: ikr

Lil: u kiss Zack?

sar: noooo 

sar: omg hes cuming gtg ttyl!

Lil: k bie

Zack walks up to me and  askes "Ay. what time should i come out side?"

"about 6:50." i ancer him tiring  to sound cool.

"okay." he pauses "so how'd  you like my bed room." he says wiggling his eye brows at me.

i roled my eyes at him "Can we not tell anyone about last night and this morning."

"ohh. No wendow stories." he pouts.

"Window." i correct him.


"You said wendow, its window." 

"Nerd." he looks at me and stcks his tung out at me.

"What ever."

The bus roles up on time as usiwal. We get on, him letting me on first, and sits with me.
Why? He always sites with me why? 
why not the sluts? 
Why the nerd?

Yesterday was the worst.

Today started off no different.

The music blared i sat up ran into his room as quick as posable and shut the damn music off then left. 
i got ready for school this time waring a "need more sleep" shirt-  for the occasion. Black Converse​ and skinny jeans. Thankfully Zack got there before​ me so i could stare at him creepily through the​ he window for a second. He's waring a 21 piolets shirt- i have the same one in my closet- his leather jacket, shorts ( i don't get boys and always waring shorts) and some white shoes. I finally go out side and greet him. Hahaha, jk. I stand there for one more second building up the courage to talk to him. I mean he is 'the ripest next door' so  being alone with him is weird. I slowly open the door and walk out leaving my comfort in side. We stand there side by said saying nothing for a while. The bus showed up and he lets me on first. Also siting with me again. That's when i realise he's listening to music. When i slightly glance at his phone he sees my intrest and shoves a bud into my ear. I can hear This is Gospel from Panic! at the Disco.

If you love my let me go.. The song goes on as we sit there. The fear - the fear of falling apart...

Ounce the song ends i look up at him and he smiles.

"So your a perfetinal stalker?"

"What? Oh. you saw me staring at you?" He must of seen me. oops.

"Ah... No i meant you come in to my room this morning. You were staring at me?" 

I blush a little and smile answering his question.

"So," he smiles "am i looking good today." He raises his eye brows.

"Not as good as me."

"That's right girl." 

I smile and role my eyes. Zack puts his music back on, we sit closer than usual, listening to Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, ect. We split ounce the bus gets to school. 


"hey lil there's an acembly today about heath."

"Oh. No!" lil yells.


"Its heath class!" She yells 

"Oh...Oh my god! Heath class! NO!"  Reproduction class. Nooooooo.


There was a loud beep of the intercom then "Will all the eleventh graders please head to the auditorium for the heath acembly."

Ounce we entered all the kids went wild trying to find there friends lil and i just sat in the back so we could play on our phones.

Like 10 minutes passed and we were already talking about protection in sex when i saw someone get yelled at for being loud and was getting sent to the back away from people. It was Zack. He came right twords were i was sitting smiling! He ploped right into the seat next to me leaned over and sniffed me like i was cracke. O my gosh i started laughing so hard i was snortingThen everyone looked at me, i stopped, and blushed as everyone turned back around. Then it got uncomfortable because the person running the assembly put in a slide show about sex and urges. When i quickly glanced at Zack he was blushing. I have no idea why but he was.

I looked down at my phone and saw a text from an unknown number so i checked it. It said :

Feb. 16,


From: Zack Raven

Z: hi its Zack.

Z: um... the stuff you hear about me is a lie i didn't do that to the girl

Oh my goat! I text him back.

S: how can i trust u i just met u and ur mom told my fam?

S:a judge saud u were guilty!

Z: it was a hard kace. And it wasn't even proved guilty i just wasnt proven inocent so they sent me off

S: y r u telling me this?

Z: idk 

Z: i just think I can trust u and...

S: and?

Z: maybe​ you can help me prove me incent so... so rape can be wiped off my record. so i could go to college and get a job 

S: y me?

Z: i got imfo about you on the first day and everyone said you were really smart and...

S: and..

Z: never mind

S: k?

The bell finally rung and when i turned my head to ask Zack a question he was gone. My phone vibrated so i looked at it.

Z: well talk more at the window tonight plz.

I don't know wether to be scared or happy. i mean hot boy at night or rapist at night, which one is more pleasing?

I haven't seen him since the assembly and its 2minuts till the end of the day. were is he? 

"Call me tonight i got my phone back." lil calls to me.

"okay." i yell back
Ounce im on the bus my hopes are broken when the bus starts and theres no Zack. No,yay hes not here. hes a bad kid. Well is he? Maybe he was innocent, i dont know any more, ill find out. As we start to move i put my music on when the bus jults to a stop. gravity flings me forward smash my head in to the seet in front of me. Ouch! I heir the bus door opens so i look up and see Zack running  to the bus. i look back out the window when he sites next to me i see him turn and start to talking to the fabulous Loren. Blond, slutty, and sexual. The typical popular teen. Lorena's a complete bitch-whore. What ever i guess​ im just invisible. Why yes Zack my day was great. Oh yah i want to know what you were talking about at the assembly. Don't Judge me i talk to myself in my head.

I turn the volume up on my phone and heir Angle With A Shot Gun. ' im an angle with a shot gun fight untill the wars won...' I Love this song. Ounce the bus reaches my house i get off with him and we split to our houses. There's no one home so i unplug mt music and turn the volume all the way up. Castle blasted around the house when i blue tooth it to my speaker. i get a snack and do my home work down stairs untill my mom gets home then bring my music and life i to my bed room. 


Its about 9:30 when i heir my phone ring and then a nock on my window. i check my phone and its as i predicted Zack i declined and headed for my window with butterflies in my stomach. I open my window and feel a gust of wind brush over my exposed arms and upper chest. My sweater is im my kitchen so i just fold my arms for warmth. I bend over and see him by the light of the half moon and see hes not waring a shirt, his chest is bold and strong. But as i look i see scars, what? I think he saw me staring because he chuckles. "They never ask about the scars." I look up at his eyes.

"Why? Was it the other criminals?" i ask.

"No. the cops. They beat most of the really bad kids to teach them lessons." He answers smoothly.

"oh." i take a deep breath and shiver "So about the thing at the assembly?"

"You know about the rape, but it wasn't me, I was framed by this kid Brian. My x-best friend." he pauses to let it sink in to my mind "We were all drunk, Brian, L-liz, and i. we were at a party and i left to go get soda. But when i came back i couldn't find them. i looked up stairs and finally saw Liz lying on the floor passed out with her dress pulled up a little. Brian nocked me out and called the cops and said i raped her. When she woke up she couldn't remember what happened just that he was violated. " 

There was silence for like 10 minutes before​ he said "The next week she committed suicide."

I leaned out the window and hugged him, holding him close to my chest, feeling his warmth, and heart beat. 

"How Can i trust you?"

"Im a virgin ." he said blankly.


"So will you help prove me innocent?"


"I have a plan."

Its been a month and all i found out was that Brian's full name is Brian Krans Eriom, he lives in Johnson New Hamptur, w his moms dead, father- Quintin and step mom- Sidney, and his big brother Peter. He stayed back year and is in 10th grade.

I'm on my bed watching We Are Your Friends with Zack, were pretty good friends now, hence-hence were in my bed watching a movie, and of course my mom knows nothing about this. I tell her stuf but don't a the same time. I lay with my back propped up with my pillow, laptop in my lap, Zack is on his stomach with his head on the other side of the bed kicking his feet. Right now Cole- the main character- is DJing a big party, Zack seemed amused with it, so i put my laptop down, and actually start to pay attention.


#Zack Raven#

Shes just sitting there on her laptop, she really needs a break, Sarahs been so much help, and she deserves it. Hmm? whats going on this friday? Oh! Seans party, well i know were im bringing her now, the only obstacles​ is getting her there. I look at her, she put her laptop away, this is the perfect opertunety to get her off track. Pausing the movie i stand up and face her. "Stand up." i demand smiling

She does so "Why?" Shes confused, good.

"Do you know how to fight?"

"Uh... No." theres a pause as she thinks "Why?" 

I slowly walk to her, she stands perfectly still, im about two inches from her body, and we're both looking at each other. I quickly wrap my leg around the back of hers and drop her to the flor. Dropping down with her i put my hand on her arms and pin her down. I'm on her, her legs are in between mine, and i can see her face flush red then white. I lean close to her ear and whisper "I won't get off you untill you promise to go to the party on friday." I demand.

"Well what do we have here?" 

We both look up at the at the forin voice. 


#Sarah Palin#

Zack is on top of me i sware i ate rabid butterflies! I can feel his body heat when he leand in, our stomachs almost touch, and his lips tuch my ear as he says "I won't get off you untill you promess to go to the party on fridy." The whole time we're on the flor of my bedroom with his window opened for a quick exepe, it feels like hes been on me for like ten minutes but ts only been ten seconds. 

"Well what do we have here?" We both look up at the two boys in Zacks window. 

I quickly slur out "Its not what it looks like! hes not- we're not....!"

Both the the boys are laughing histaricly. 

Thats when i look at Zack and he tries to get back up but is knee gets  stuck on the botom of my bad and he falls on me. A large gusp of air exapes my lings.

"Oh my God! How much do you weight?"

He quickly scrambles to his feet leaving me cringing on the flor.

"So Zack geting down with the good girl, hu?" the tall blond one says.

"Na but why dont you Alic." Zack punches the boy- Alic.

"Oh  well mabey i will." he looks at me and wigles hiseyebrows.

"Oh, sorry boys but im off the market." i pretend to upset. Crunching up my nose and half smiling.

"Ahh." Alic pouts.

"Well i'm fine with a side hoe so if your ever alone call me up." the other boy says, hes my hight with black hair.

I just ris my eye brous and smile.

"Oh, come on guys shes not grown up yet, shes still being potty trained." Zack jokes.

I smack his arm "Exuse me but, im a big kid now." i sing in a squeky voice.

We all laugh and the boys crawl back in to Zacks house. I dont finish the movie couse i know ide hear all about that later if i did. But insted i grab my phone and call up Lil who dosent ancer. So i simply go to bed. its 10:24 any ways so.


The next morning when i crawl throught the window into Zacks room he wasnt there so i paused thinking. "Zack?" i called.

"ROAR!" He yalls and jumpes out from behind me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" i yell in teror "YOU! You almost gave me a heart attack!!!" 

Hes on the floor laughing at my sky high jump i just made. So i just push past him back to my room and gat ready for  school.

On the bus we use my music because his phone is dead. Were listening to, The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance, when he turns and says with a famous smile-smeark "So about the party on friday?"

"Oh. That, well parties arnt really my thing and i dont have a ride so um..."

"I'll bring you and youve done a LOT to help me. i want to aword you."


"Come on Sarah you my last booty-call. Please." he begs me.

"Well since i'm the last i gues so."

"Yay!" he does a little victory dance "So ill pick you up at 9?"

My eyes widen "Oh. My mom would never let me out that late."

"Ha! No, were sneeking out, i can 'pick you up' as in you sneek into my room and we crawlout my bathroom window." He smiles.

"Oh. uh...okay?" i reply confusied.

"Okay. good!"


Every one at school was talking about the party and frankly i was exited as well. Its tonight and i accually -for once- dont know what to wear. I don't want to be to formal or to skanky. So like any other girl my age i went shopping in the mall after school. Just kidding, i hate shoping, so insted i went through my moms party close. I found black half shirt, a small bright turquoise skirt, and a pair of 4in biker boots. Yup ill look good! While i walk to my window, to ask Zack if im truing to hard, but right befor i reach my destination my mom calls up to me from what i thik is the livingroom. So i do a three sixty run  to my outfit shove it under my bed and run down stairs to the beconing mother. 

"Ya ma?" i say while truing to catch my breath.

"Can you baby sit tonigt?" 

Oh no, the one thing that cant happen tonght " acually not feeling good so it might not be the best day for babysitting."

"Oh. Well you seem fine whats wrong?" Shr walks over and feels my fourhead.

"My throught hurts and my stomach." im really bad at lighing but i think she didnt notes.

"OH. Ok. well i expect you to be good while im gone tonight."

"Were are you going?" She hasnt told me about this yet.

"Im going out on a date, with Johnny, And we'll be back at 11:30. so there beter be no parties while im gone. ok?"

"Ya mom. you  know im not one to party." well...

"Ok...well-um im leaving in a houre so."

I nod my head and go back to my room. Thank god she didnt find out.

I just got changed and damn i look hot! 

I exit my bath room of warmth and enter my bed room looking for my heals.Their my favoriet, they say look its me the bad ass chick with rocken style. With my mom gone i can let go of most ansiety of sneeking out. As i pick try to pick out a purce, in my moms closet, i see an old farmilier box. Like as if i've seen the box years ago, its an old shoe box with dents, rips, and water stains. Opening it i see old picturs of my mom and...and f-father. The first one is when my mom was pregnent with me, shes leaning agenst a light blue house in what looks to be maby florda, there are a dozen other people with them, they seem so happy. I flip to the mext one its just of my father, Kile, he has my black hair- well i have his black hair- hes pail and sitting on a modercycle smoking a cigar out side a hospitol. On his right theres a minny-van with '#1 dad' painted on it and a for sale sighn on his modercycle. Awww. he gave up his coolness for me. Flipping through them i begin to remember his voice but only slightly. I was only five when he passed away so i dont remember alot, only his voice, he used to sing this song about a wild jipsy girl. It went:

Oh jipsy, oh jipsy, pleas do not miss, I've gone to the river to play,

Oh come now, oh come now, oh jipsy, oh jipsy

come to ther river to play, ill whate, ill whate for you by the water, to wash allour memorys away...

I flip to the last pictur and start crying, the pictur of my fathers grave said 'R.I.P. Kile John Palin 'Send My Love To My Jipsys'. The picturhad me and my mother sitting by the grave dresed in all black. Each of us with a red rose. I can feel the warm tears runnigdown the cheeks soaking my face. I sit there crying, in the dark, alone.

Time passes; and i feel a soft warm hand accross my back soothing my cries. I sit there with my hands ofer my face for a minute, then look up at Zack, and i instently grasp him and cry into his black shurt. We stay that was for a long time, i think he notesed the last pictur that's still in my hand, finnally all my tears are cried and theres nothing left. No more tears to cry, silnce, and then motion. 

Zack smiles and says softly "I know how hard it is to loos someone spetiol."

"NO! No you dont you have a dad!" I snap at him roudly. i instintly regret it.

"Wrong." he takes a deep breath "My dad died in war three years ago, thats why we had to move, well know."

"Is that why everyone asumed it was you. because of your dad and sister?" He stifens as i say it aloud.

"Y-yes." He looks releved.

Lots of silent passes with us on the floor together.

"Thank you." When i look up at him i see tears streem down his face.Zacks voice cracking in emotinal defeat "Its been a while since i could acually feel hurt... i kept it together. i took care of her. and then h-he had t-to..."He slamed his face into his hands and cried. 

"Its ok i get it... i understand."

"I-I was strong, i was sturdy, i never cried, i was rock, no one coud shake me."

"Zack." he looks up in to my eyes. 

He leans in close to me, closer, closer, untill we're right in frontof each other. I think hes going to kiss my, is eyes flicker from mine to my lips, for one second i close my eyes then open and he gets up, helps me up, and hugs me.

"Thank you." i wisper.

"Lets go to the party now." He pulls on a fake smile.



"Im going to fall!" I wisper-yell to Zack -who is curently on the ground outside his bathroom window.

"Just jump ill catch you."his voice seems michivious. 

"No, you wont."I yell.

"Com'on ill catch you, i sware."


My feet leave the roof, my legs lonching me into the air, free from gravity, only for a second. Then i drop down into Zacks comfterbol arms. After landing i look into his eyes and simply say "Why didnt we just go out my front door my moms gone any way?"

"Weres the fun in that." He smiles.

Ounce we've been walking for about ten mnuts i start to hear kids yelling and loud music. Soon we see a bon fire and kids throuing beer into it-whitch is not safe and bothers me. But i leave it be and we head inside.There are like a thousand drunk teen girls who rush to me asking if Zack and i are a thing. Of corse i blush couse i think i with we werea thing. but i really dont know i mean hes hot, kind, flurty, smart, oh no i do like him. No. hes my friend thats it no crushes! Damb i need a beer. Walking through the crowd of drinking teenagers it seems like it might be hard but it wasn't. all I had to do was pretend I was dancing with them, then clear a path through them, as easy the ABC's. Once I got to the beverage table I saw Alec there. He handed me a drink and said 

" I look the good girls getting a drink huh." He looks at me with the devilish boy grin 

" haha funny." I smil back at him.

" I would imagine you being a party type."

" I'm not but Zack me come."

" oh were you his last hoe?"

"Wow am I always the last hoe?"

" yes, yes you are." he manages to keep a straight face then laugh.

"Hi, sarah. want a brownie?" Sean- the host of the party says.

"Shur." I agree happily taking the warm brownie from him.

The boys walked away most likely going to ask some slut to fuck. But what can i say there boys. Wow this drownie is good, its fresh, but it has flakes of somthing. What ever ounce i eat the brownie i go to find Zack. For some reason i really hopehes not fucking a hoe; it would just bother me. 


#Zack Rider#

"Hey, Zack?"

"What now Alic?" Hes geting on my nerves.

He asked me permition to have sex with Sarah like as if we were a 'thing' or somthing. But truth fully it bothers me that he wants to fuck sarah its like i want to protect her. i dont even know why.

"Is that Sarah?" Alec points in the door of the living room.

In the living room is indeed Sarah on top of the table surounded by drunk teen boys looking up her skirt as she danses to Shape of You. My stupid teen guy testosterone kicks in as i runn through the crowd grab Sarah by her weist and run outside in less than a second. 

"What the fuck Sarah, those dick heads were looking up your skurt!" I shake her sholders and i sudenly relise whats going to happen.

She leans forword looks me in the eyes and trys to say somthing but is interupted by an explotion if drown tro up spewing out of her mouth. The barf smells like the boys gave her a druged cookie and alcihol. Wow she really isnt a goody goody. Sarah turns and throes more up in to the bushes w were standing next to, i held her hair out of the way and rubed her back. It all felt acwoerd.

After her thro up setion i brought her to the bathroom to clen  her up. we had to push through tons of screaming drunk half naked girls. Ownce we got there i lifted her up onto the sink and started wiping her face with a wash cloth.

"T-thannnk youuuu I-i i'm so-" she tried to say but i cut her off touching the wash cloth to her light pink lips. 

"Dont speak." After washing her face i had her lean over to wash her hair out in the sink. "so  did you eat any thing? How many drinks have you had in the last three hours?" i ask breaking the silnce.

"um...i ate three cookies and had about like 6 or 7 beers... i feel weird." She looked at me and smiled.

"Wow. Your not going to remember this in the morning." i run my fingers through my hair getting it out of my eyes.


"Your drunk and tripping. your to high for your own good."

All she does is smile. 

"We should probly get you home."

"Why so soon." She giggles sliding off the counter were she sat. "You know," She pauses moving closer to me "Your not to bad looking." She leans in close to me our noses touching, then i have no clue why but i lean in and kiss her, her lips are soft and warm agents mine. I move my lips a little and put one hand on her shoulder,we stand there kissing for a while then i turn around and say "get your stuf were leaving."

Why did i do that!? And to her!! 

i think i liked it... No it was just because she looked dont know just so lost and i wanted to find her. 

#Sarah Palin#

Beep...beep...beep..beep. beep beep. I reach foe my alarm clock to put on snooze getting ready for the loud music that Zack blares -even on weekends- to wake me up. But i couldnt find my alarm clock and the music never turned on. The alarm went silent with out me turning it off, thats when i came to me, this wasnt my bed, oh no i went home with a stranger last nigh, no no NO, I hope i didnt DO somthing. I wipped around to see who i slept with last night knowing i couldnt remember almost anything about the party and there he was lieing shirt less next to me Zack! Oh No! He must of felt me move so he opened hiseyes to look at me expretionless. 

"Did we...?" i couldnt say the words aloud. 

"No, Sarah we did no have sex." his voice was soft.

"Oh my god. What happened last night? all i can remember is Alic or someone giving me a cookie."

"You really only remember that nothing else?"

"Ya, why did i do something?" if i got arested -what no then ide be in a jail cell.

"No you just got really drunk and i brought you home but the wendow was locked so you just slept in my bed." i lay next to him with my head back on the pillow and the blankets mostly on me.

My eyes glance quickly to his chest to the scarres the popo gave him "Window."

"What?" he looks at me confused "oh. Nerd."

He chuckles " So what time is it?" i look around his room but not finding his alarm clock.

"8:12" He points behind him at his alarm. 

"Well we beter get ready for practus."

"For what?" He clearly dosnt remember.

"Dance, our shows in four hours." The pop dance club that was made last year has its first show. 

"oh shit were is it?"

"In Pramsn only two tounds away an hour drive though. We have to get there by 10 for practus." 

I get up to leave but notes my belt is off and my skirt is falling down. I quickly pull my skurt up and look Zack right in the eyes "Where is my belt?" Hes got that hey baby look on his face clearly looking like he wanted the skurt to fall.

"Next to the bed, i think your stepng on it." I bent down grab it and walk to the window. 

Right befor i bend over to jumpout the window i turn to see Zack and just as i guessed he was staring at my ass. I turn back around jump out my window flip him of and close it and my curtins.


im wering a plain black tank top and cut off blue jean shorts because its warm today. 
so once i get down to the kitchen to make myself breakfast i run back up to my room open the window knock on Zacks window and when he answers wearing a blue t-shirt and a pair of black shourts. i have to ask him "Did my mom come home last night?"

"I never saw the car in the drive way and we came home at like 3 maybe 4 in the morning. Why?"

"She went on a date last night."


We were both silent for a few seconds then i turned around and went down stairs. i turned my phone on and what do y'a know theres a text from mum:

M: Sry the night didnt turn out like it planed i wont be home in time to drive you to practice are any of your friends willing to pick tou up?

S: ya but you wont like it

M: who

S: Zack

M: ?

S: The rapiest next door 

S: hes in my pop dance class

M: is his mom bringing him if so then yes.

S: thanks mum bye

M: luv u bye


"Hi sweaty," Zacks mom is so pretty with her brown hair and pail skin "you must be the famous Sarah Zacks always talking about."

"Mom," Zack yells from the back seat "i do not talk about her all the time." hes clearly embarest.

"Its not heathy to lie to your self Zack," I turn to see his face when i say this last part "You know you love me!" I fluder my eye lashes at him flurtingly.

"You wish i love you." he smiles purfectly.

"Ya but at leest you do." i say like its nothing

"Calm down girls we all know he wishes he could love you." His mom says with a perfect hint of sexuallity in her voice.

"Oh ya i do." Zack looks right in to my eyes and licks his lips and raises his eyebrows sexually.

We all laugh at him and teas each other the rest of the ride there. Once we get to our destination- the linken high school- Zack and i walk in late and get ready.

The locker room is beauttful, the walls are dark blue with a sana, steem room, danm this school has a pool, and the lockers are big. I dont use on of course i only have a small bag with my shoes and out fit. My shoes are black mostly cloth with ruber soals,my shirt is neon pink with a black a stripe around my lower chest, and i have a neon fluffy skurt with black tights under neeth. My hair is up in a balarena bunn so its out of my face and it maches the girl across the stage from me. Once in ready i grab my water bottle and head to the stage. 

This is my first time in a show of anysourt- in second grade my grade was having a play i threw up all over my partner- i've gotten a lot better at my people skills, i think. Looking around i could see only about five people: John- hes in the back, Kaily- his partner, Patrick- hes in the third row to the front (there are four rows), Abby- next to Patrick, and Zack who is on the opposet side of the front row as me. There are about 16 people in this class so there are four people perrow and there are eight partners. Your partner is based on how you dance and because im not really that great at dancing i was stuck with Tommy, hes five feet tall and is as fat as a whail- not to be mean but its the truth.

Once everyone's here we get started with practus. Were dancing to three songs Cooler Than Me, It started With a Wisper, and Radioactive. (in that order too.) So in cooler than me coach made it that one of the partners were the one sining to the person who thinks shes cool, she has a pair of sunglasses and a snap back, its cool and im happy i get to keep them. 
"1-2-3-4 go!" Coach turns the music on and it starte.

you got your hot crowd- thats when every one runs to the middle and go to the opposit partner and mine is Zack- switch in your walkand you dont know the way that you look when you pass by...cause ti sure seems you got no doubt but we all se you got your head in the clouds- at that point im still with Zack and he grabes me by my hips, throws me in the air, (for the 'you got your head in the clouds), and catches me. The worst part is when i landed this time his hand grabed my ass. I know he notesed too, cause he was a cherry tomato. The song went on Zack was my parner till almost the end when we switched accros the stage a gen. 

"Verry good, but i think we can make it great! Again from the top and remember catcch your partners my the upper thigh and the back, dont break them." everyone chukled.

Its five minutes till the show starts and I'm having a panic attack! I'm sitting on the floor with my head between my knees rocking back and forth. Humming my dad's song. I'm gunna mess up. I'm gunna through up. I'm gunna step on someone... what if I get dizzy like last time...

"Sarah?" Some one says breaking my thoughts.

I stay on the floor but look up at the voice. It was Olivia , shes a shy girl in my grade were not really good friends but we talk in English. 

"Its ok. I'm scared to but we can do it."

I don't answer and put my head back in my knees.

"Look," I look up "she smiles 

"Look," I look back up " we can do this." 

With that confadent look this drown haird shy girl gave me i got up my heart beating faster, faster, walked to the door back strait, and walked to strech and talk to my partners. 


The lights are shining bright on everyone as the first song starts an i see everyones eyes on us. I start to freek out, my forehead is starting to burn and i can feel sweet, my eyes are bluring and i start to get dissy. i know the moves and my body is moving the rght way but im not thinking. Soon i can feel myself fly in the air then i snap out of it as i land in Zacks arms. Getting in position as the song goes on i can hear the song move from just a reflex to a choice. thr songs a part of my body and i thin in doing reat! my movements are under control and my smile i think is showing exactly what i feel. Happy.

The dances sre over and im in Zacks moms car, my eyes are getting heavy and my mind is drifting to shut down mode. Soon im sleeping.


today its finnally monday. (im being completly sarcastic) its the same old rueten, Zack blared his music, i crawled through the window, turned it off, and got ready for shool. But this time when i got out side there was no trace if Zack and the bus was about to come. I quickly texted him:

S: hey the bus is coming!

"I know." He yells from behind me. 

I look at him, he's waring a My Chemical Romance t-shirt, grey shorts, and his black sweater. He looks happy right now.

"So, you want a ride?" He says now that were standing in front of each other.

"Um..." thats when i look behind him and see a brand new motorcycle! "What?"

"My mom got it for me for my birthday but she couldn't whate to give it to me." Oh ya his birthdays on Sunday 

"Heck ya!" I squeal put a helmet on and sit behind Zack.

I can feel his warmth and i notesing his heart start to beat faster when i rest my head on his back. Zack starts it up and theres a startling ruming sound from the bike but it seems like its okay because Zack dosnt look startled. He flicks and fiddles with the bike and we start to move backwords. Ounce were out and moving my mucles losen and its amasing. The wind wipping my hair behind me, sun covering everything around us, and Zack. Every partof this moment it perfect i dont want it to end. Its kinda hard to lean with him on the turns but it gets easy after the thirdish one. I feel like im flying! The adrenalin is rushing through mu blood getting my heart rasing. The ride feels like it lasted noteven a second. He parkesit and we both head in to school. We split- as usiwal- but when i look for Lil i cant find her. I check my phone and theres a text from Lil saying shes sick. She never gets sick. this has never happened befor it sounds kinda rediculose but i lagit have no other friends. Well exept for Zack but... oh why do i even try to act brave i would never havethe nerve to hang out with him. 


"Hi Zack." i squeak out ounce i to my locker wich has popular kids by it. 

"Oh hi sarah, was up?" hes kinda surprised but i see a hiden smile just begining on his lips.

"Um... my friend is sick...can...can i-i hangout with you today?" I studer quietly.

"Ovcourse! ill introduce you to my other friends." 

Ya he counts me as a friend and not just as his helper.

"Hey guys this is Sarah," Zack turns and gesture to me " she's a friend."

All six of the people around our -Zack and I- locker. Three girls, Sammie in my science class, Matilda in my math  and, Natalie in my gum. All cheerleaders with loads of make up on every day for school and all three are wearing pink jackets. Sammie is tall looks about five and a half feet tall black hair and mocha skin. Matilda is shourt 5 feet blond hair with pail - white skin. Natalie is 4 and a half feet tall died light blue hair but blond natural color hair and has a Hispanic look in her. There all pritty and dress nice and even smell great. The 4 boys not including Zack are all athletes. Alex a skinny soccer player with sun kissed skin and  dirty blond hair is the n my gym math and English class. Kenall -people call him K- is Hispanic and Asian black hair with red ends hes 6 foot and is one of those not popular but not unpopular kids every one knows. Davin the 'football hottie' that all the girls like, let's just say mr.Daddy has many daughters. He's the blond muscle white boy with rich parents. Then there's Zack.

They each look at me up and down. Alex, K, and Davin smile a little when there eyes reach my B cup chest. Buts and bobs, put them together and all hell beaks loose.

"Hi." My voice is fast and quite.

"Oh hey, so you free this friday my bed is free to rent." Davian moves from leaning on a locker to right in frount of me.

"Na thanks but ill be busy so go get another hoe." I act like im sad that im busy and he frounds and we all have a lough.

"Wow you shur do have way with the girls," K slaps his back amd we all share a small chukle.

The bell rings after i get my stuf and we all talk for a bit then we all say our 'see ya' and 'later'. we all agreed to have lunch together. We all split up, the boys turning right , the girls turning left, and me going straight. alone but i smile anyways happy to have more friends. For the first time i could talk to more that two people at ounce. Acually thinking about it now i never told or introdused lil to Zack. Or told her how hes innocent. 

The bell rung and everyone shoved there history papers and pens in to there backpacks and ran out the big door in like 2 seconds because its lunch time. But i just walk behind everyone with my music plugged into one of my ears i hear I Don't Love You by MCR in one ear and suddenly a Zack screem in the other.

"SARAHHHH!" his voice seems silly and happy. so i turn around and take my ear but out.

As soon as i see him suddenly start running to me i realize he wont stop and i start to run away from him but im not nearly as fast as him so i get bout 5 feet away and then suddenly im in the arms of this handsome punk of a teen boy. He caries me over his shoulder and runs into the lunch room yelling "I'VE GOT THE BOOTY! " Then all of a sudden im on my butt on the floor with a Zack leaning over the bottom half of my body.

"MY ASS!" i yell as i realize i just fell and hit the hard ground.

"i am so so sorry Sarah! Are you ok?" Zack asks with concern.

he leans close to me and looks into my eyes, i remember what he might of to that poor girl, then my mind screams at myself for thinking such a thing. I must of shown what i thought because she quickly got up and turned away. Why did i even think that? Zack is amazing and i wanna help him but why did i do that? Am i scared of him? No he's He's inosent! 

"Here let me help you up." He quickly plasters a funny smile on his face to mask what just happened from the others who are rushing over.

I grab his big warm hand and he pulles me up, the pain in my bottom is gone now. Butter flies flutter in my stomach and i dont know why there there but i just smile as he apologises and askes me if i wanna sit with him and his friends to eat. Of corse i say yes and walk to sit next to K and Matilda with Zack across from me, Sammie next to him , Alex next to her and Davin at the end of the table. Matilda and Sammie both get plain salids and white milk, i dont even know whats on the boys plates look like sloppy joe but thats not on the list for lunch; every day we get 3 choices today its salid, spegetti, or  meet. I have a home lunch today which is a ham sandwich and some pumpkin chi tea. I pull out my book from my bag and try to find my page but before I could get there K grabes it out of my hand and looks at it like it's an alien.

"What is it?" He asked hopefully pretending to bring dumb.

" It's a book I'm reading." I try to pull it out of his hands but he has too tight of a grip.

" What is it? Porn?" I can see a smirk arise on his face.

" Ooohh Sarah's into porn!! Do you like it kinky?" Matilda says teasingly but a little louder than I feel is confterable.

" Eyww no, it's The One the third in a series. Now give it back!! Now!!"  I try and grab it but K passes it to Sammie then to Alix then Davian grabes , walked over to me with a sexy


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