Trump's Tax Plan?
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
Trump's Goldman Sachs boys who run Treasury and Finance put on a ridiculous dog and pony show today pretending that Trump had actually made a substantive tax reform proposal. The U.S. tax code runs over 1000 pages. Trump's tax reform notification was barely 1 page, double spaced with a lot of indents and no actual numbers. I guess he thinks this will count as a major achievement at his 100 day deadline. Ah, no it won't. Sorry Don, but this pathetic attempt has no specific numbers, just some general themes that mostly work against the economic intetests of 99% of Americans. In its limited content, it will add trillions to our national debt while making investments to our infrastructure impossible. How does this type of tax code thinking help make America great again? It will definitely make the bank accounts of the 1% greater, but that is not what Trump promised during the election was it?