HELP! Im 27 Years Old.... Is It Genuine Love? Or Am I Doomed? Read Count : 129

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance
Idk. Look.

My girl has cancer. I met her and fell in love in like 2 days. It seems wayy too fast. But I've never met someone who can make my heart jump just with a touch. My WHOLE body literally skips a beat, and I feel like I can trust her. The sex was the charts. She never backed down from full throttle. I think she either really, REALLY played me, or she's totally mine. It's going like this:

(Deep breath)

Me, this girl, another girl and a drunk guy were in a car. Girl in back with me is making eyes and faces. We're hiding messages. She begs me to get her out and away from driver lsycho lady. I'm thinking it's the classic good whore, bad whore play. Only 1 thing wrong with that. They know I'm outta money. And the one girl isn't a whore, the other girl doesn't put out the vibe of sex. It was more a mix of fear, and bewilderment, and some desperation. 

It helps she accidentally thought I was propositioning her and turned me politely down. Sort of politely. So the driver chick, she gets BLASTED and can't keep the car straight. It took everything just to get her off the street. She had done her fair share, indeed!

The owner of the car is a burly man, drunk, with some sort of degenerative disease and he starts to say that HE will drive.."Like hell" I thought. "Go from a passed out Driver.... to a drunk one?" No, I told the guy "I'm sober please let me drive." So he does. 

Another 10 minutes go by after the decision. We were already parked, btw, before this conversation happened. So, I finally get the keus, the blasted chick gets in passenger seat. An appeal to ego, she didn't wanna get in back. Even though she had no real higher function at the time.

So we bumble around a few hotels, aimlessly searching for a place to drop these 2. Eventually the girl I had been talking to talks the guy. She asks if we can borrow the car to get her shit and we gotta drop the 1 girl off to do it. To my absolute surprise, he says we can use his car.

So I take him home, carry the other girl inside and leave her (the driver) on a couch). Most people would be robbed u by this point. Not me. I'm waiting on the girl who we'll call Amy to get her shit and come on. So she gets out, and we take the fuck off in this dudes car I don't EVEN KNOW right? Cool guy.

I take her to the address. It's not right, so I take her and buy her some clothes, cause now she has none. This girl agreed to come stay with me. All the while we spent hours parked here and there talking about all kinds of things.  It seems to well-matched to be true... she is seemingly perfect. I've had a long time to think about it in my life. What I would want.

She's hitting home runs across the field in everything. I can't peg her in a lie.  I'm in disbelief, and it was all just setup for minimal effort on my part. All I had to do was push "Go" basically. We share so much, we differ in compatible ways. She's competent and fascinating. She's fucking fine as HELL.

4'11" small tits, perfect nipples, took me a while day, but she gave herself to me. I convinced her it was important to chemistry. Which it is. If we're gonna match, we have to fuck. I didn't need lotsa time. I have never been so thoroughly deceived. Or intimately known. I wasn't sure.

The sex was intense. The memory is still fresh in my mind. She just moved in perfect rhythm. We're it not for the heroine I was on. I would've and basically did climax with her a few times. Tantric sex shit is all about unachieved orgasm. I'm not totally for it. I like getting off. All the way. But 90% feels pretty good too. Th.

She moved like she ment every goddamned stroke. Hips pressed into me. Begging for more, encouraging and pushing. I've never wanted something so bad in my life. And I had her. For a full hour I got to be inside of her. Wrap her in my arms and be whole with her. She's small, so my dick looks big. Maybe feels bigger. Idk. But usually if I close my eyes I come. I couldn't come right then, but looking down at being inside her, watching her body quake and shiver. Feeling her jolt as I'm inside from the pleasure in her nipples...

So many factors. All at once, and she fucked me right back, the whole time. I wished, more than anything I had not done that dope that morning. I've never wanted come so badly. It was so perfect, I could get so close. But I couldn't do it, so I'm left wondering when I'll get my chance.

She had not had sex for a long time, 4 years, she said. It gave her a yeast infection. I have to say I'm a little proud of that. Although, it prevented me from having 100% the best day of my life. I'll have to try harder if I want that.

 I was going to make that a personal memo.... But ..yeah. I'm enchanted. Shit. Help me. Here's the rest ... I guess.

I'll have to try harder if I want her everyday this way. I spent the next day with her. It was comfortable.  Real connection.  She would touch me or do things she didn't have to. First time I've ever been shown real affection. It's hot. It's simple. But I've lacked it. She knew when and how to touch me. But I felt I knew what she was thinking. It was truly unreal. Not awkward, just familiar, she has a grounded sense of humor. She doesn't buy into too much of my bullshit, she likes to get high, but wants a better way. And she's a non-denom Christian.

I couldn't have built a better girl myself.
But she's got bad mental issues with self esteem, anxiety, addiction. But so do I. 

Turns out she has ovarian cancer too. So, she will likely die before me. And within a year or 2 I can b sure of that if she doesn't get treatment. She will  definitely never have MY kids. But that's ok, she's had 4 which is impressive as hell considering her size. I think she's great. And the way she fucks blew my mind. So I think I fell in love. Or something. I think it's real. I'm praying I can have her for at least a while. I need this. Lord knows I've never known love like that. 

She could choose to not contact me. But she don't have a LOT of options. Either way I'll be a man. But I swear if I ever get near her again, she's going to be exhausted. And I'll finally get to feel what i imagine heaven is like. I think if a man could orgasm while a woman was too, when he can feel her gently pulsing on his,twitch. She fights the surge by twitching and squeezing hard. Her orgasm seems to be designed to pull me into her. To drag out my release, and cradle it in ecstatic pleasure. 

For some reason that moment when a woman squeezes your hard throbbing dick. When you know shes in an orgasm. And she's convulsing, when I let go of mine into her at the same time, it's my dream. I want to come with her. I want to know how that push feels against hypersensitive nerves. And I want to be as deep as I can. Holding as much of her in close to me. Kissing and holding her. Her tiny, sexy,  brown Greek legs wrapped around my waist and pulling. Like she's trying to consume me. And only because she WANTS to. I think sex is a sacred thing that 2 people can learn so much about each other from. 

I also love it that she wants to be told. She wants it. She wants to boss me around cause she's small. But she wants me to pick her up and pin her and take what I want too. She wants to submit. She wants to feel important. She wants truth, and a good stuff man with a decent cock.

Nothing about it seemed forced. Except the fact I couldn't get off. I explained abt the drug. But now I haven't been able to make up for it because of a yeast infection. I've  dreamed about that days now. Thought about what kinda person she is. I don't have issues with her really.
I've never in my WHOLE LIFE just been able to fall asleep with somebody near me. We hadn't had sex all day. And I knocked out.... with her in my arms, like it was second nature. 

It's so wrong that I fell for her so fast. But she's literally my ideal woman. Wtf  was I gonna do? She needed something.  She didn't HAVE to play it so thick. But she seemed to mean every word. 

If it's all a lie I hope she takes it to her grave, because, if but for a fleeting moment.. I thought I felt ...something real.

And I'd do anything to keep that feeling.
It's the most beautiful thing I've ever felt. 
Especially with her hair all went and pants off. Sexiest thing I've ever seen. The way she played with my cock too... like she really really enjoyed it. 
I tricked her I guess.
"Here just suck it a little" 
wait till she's super worked up...
If she's into me, I figured she would let me. Her arms seemed to be getting tired. "You bastard" she said. Both hands wrapped around my throbbing pole.
I said "Come here." as I slid my arms under hers. Her head still positioned at my tip, looking up with a delicate, lustful rage. 

Another surge pulsed through me, as I
I pulled her delicate lips from my lower, stiffer region, and set her to look right in my eyes. I asked her if she wanted me. She could barely moan it, before she rushed out a desperate, "yes".

She was so small though.  It had been awhile. I literally felt myself beating into her. As she pushed to me, I let her work. It had been so long, and I savored feeling her spread open on top of me.  She gasped when I was inside. It was seduction. It felt so right, her size, her tightness, she was all mine, and she wanted me to know. So vulnerable, so needy. I've never felt so turned on. With the FIRST few pumps she came. She wanted it really bad I guess. She couldn't stop, orgasm after orgasm. And she wanted more. We switched and flipped and lay still and went fast. At one point I noticed that watching her body suck me in. Was so erotic I almost could come. 

Fuck tantric. I'd rather have 2 full blown orgasms than 10 inward ones. Because filling that girl full of me seemed important. She said she liked the feeling. She asked me to just be inside her for a moment. She really wanted that cock. Every bit and in almost the same way I wanted her... It was perfect. 99% but I never could come. Fucking  dope.

The single most erotic, utmost sexiest duck in my LIFE and I couldn't get off. How FUCKED is that? That's a damn good reason to quit doing dope huh? 

I never realized how much size matters. I feel effective being 6'0" and her at 4'11".

She needs 2 hands, and I can press on her stomach to make it tighter for her. She liked it. I could hear it in her voice. Compress pussy tight, choke @ base of the neck, keep licking and kissing and pressing in the right way. Hers is the right nipple. Perfect sizes nipples too.
Big tits don't impress me. Honestly I think they work better in shirts or wrapped in some kind's cloth. 

I love her as, it's petite, rounded just right, looks warm and inviting. And it feels perfect in my palms. I want to feel her struggling as I pin her, and fuck her in the air. I want her to want to come on me. Rub it ALL on me. I'm going to trick her though. She can't fit quite all of me down her throat. So when she won't gag... I'm going to let her suck until I'm abt to come... And then hold her head down as I do without telling her. Unless she really isn't into the mild abuse. Idc. Just let me have her again damnit....

She wants to play these games. She wants me I know. I'll have her. Or She will have destroyed every last shred of hope in me. 


decides my LIFE. Do I die alone? Or do I ever trust anyone with my heart...?
I've been fucked before. 
I've said/heard "I love you's."
I could actually mean it this time.
This Girl... means something.
This my gift.
This Girl...could be my curse.
This Woman... Will define my heart.
Some things we get in this life that are given Special. Some are meant to last, and some... only to teach.
But Lord I'm praying that she's not just another lesson. I have never needed this perspective so badly. She's more than a lay, or a chat.
She gives me eyes, anew, with which to see. 
Breath that isn't stale, fresh as the spring wind.
Of spirit she has guided me, to home and hearth again.
Where once wayward and aloof,
I've found a simple friend, 
To whom I owe nothing, save trust, and simple truth.
What should she ask of me? 
Her spell all completely spun,
The darkness in my life will flee
The more covered I become. 
My desire, is reflected;
Simple truth resonates, her intentions do not hide
These things you cannot estimate, where feelings do reside. 
There is no haven safe from this, 
No shelter I may seek,
She knows not what she's done to me,
Disturbing darkness deep.

For what chance she takes with me
No pressure I have forced.
Yet she pushes forward, reckless in abandon.
I give in, at her request? No not just her, she needs companion.

For her it sits..four years since, this girl has known a man? 
Nobody has held, that kind of bliss, more than once in any life...
The eye cannot see, the picture created, true beauty is...subjective.
We see the illusion, the reflection of what we need In each other. But she needs to focus on me. Not her panic. I already know what I sensed.

That need. The hunger. The drive to run.
I can't keep her from it. 
What must I do... to keep this heart.
What must I do, save follow down, her lost and scared little heart... 
Is she worth saving?  
Is it worth the risk?
For just that person that I have met?
Do I risk the life and limb required to pull her back to nest? 
After all, who am I... to judge, for her, what is, in fact, the best?

I'm her man. Perhaps?
Her rock! -- Maybe..

I can't let this go. Not a chance. Somebody help me. I think I'm losing myself to human instinct.... giving In to human weakness. Flesh and desire. 

 It's one dragon actually worth chasing...

 Isn't it? 


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