Storm☇ Division III
Read Count : 100
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
Grim Birthday My heart pounds and my breathing sharpens as I jogged through the essence of the night. The clouds were converging up above me until it rained blue upon me. I stopped and looked up. The heavens has closed its doors. Everyone has gone asleep only I was awake. A flash of lightning almost started bolted towards me until I snapped out of it. It was finally my sixteenth birthday. I jogged to school to warm up for my competition. No matter if I win or lose, at least I'd done something for my parents to spectate. When I reached to school, I went to my gym locker to get ready to race. Then headed to my first class which was Astronomy and waited until I heard on the announcements: "Will all participants go to the track for preparation." Everyone said: "Good luck" to me as I walked out. There was nine competitors in the race. Many of them were stretching or jogging in place. Sunny glances towards me and she gave me a wave. I walked over to her. "My cousin is in the race." She told me and pointed towards a male human with blue eyes and blonde hair. He appeared to have Nordic features like a face of an angel. "His name's Levez. He is not the fast racer in this competition." "I know! He is not!" A girl with neon green hair and brown eyes. She looked like a droid. She has a petite body and wearing sparkling shorts and sports bra. "You look you're going to a hip hop rehearsal." Sunny comments. "Well, you gonna hip hop your plod legs out of here after I am done with you." She said snobbily. "And your sloth friend too." I didn't fire back nor anything, I hold back my tongue. Sunny's face contorted to a menacing glare. Then soon the students, teachers, and parents arrived to the bleachers. Some of them were chatting as we warm up. Professor Latone walked to us: "Line up, two in the each of the five rows!" I went into the most inner row of the track because it makes running more smaller. The neon girl was standing right next to me by the second inner row. "One lap! Ten competitors!" Professor announced to the spectators. Some of them pulled out their phones to film including my parents. All of them were shrieking with jubilation. Sunny was right behind me. The track has five rows, they are the same length, but the distance around the track was shorter than the others, affecting the time. I get into my racing position. My only focused on what lies ahead of the track. "Racers are you ready?!" Professor Latone called. Most of us nodded. "On your mark!" "Get set!" "Run!" Then off we go! The droid girl was two already inches in front of me. I can hear the crowd cheering on whomever. I just blocked them out, only the wind was I can hear now. Thirty seconds within the race, my pulse increased now. Some of the races began to slow down into a jog. I can still hear Sunny behind me. My throat started to burn and I was slowly getting fatigue. I didn't slow down, but I can hear Sunny gasping. "Finish off, Storm!" Sunny shouts out. We were coming up on the final turn. This track was only quarter of a mile long. The school is only 1.75 miles away. It was only the droid girl and myself now, the other competitors were left in the dust! She was starting to slow down. "Don't focus on her, Collette, just focus on the race." My instincts screamed at me. The finish line was close! I knew, I'd already lost. I crossed the finish line. "Collette Digit wins!" Professor Latone declares. The crowd cheers. "What?!" The droid girl blurts out and angrily glances at me. Then stomped over to me. I can hear the buzzing noises from one of the hands. She slapped her left hand against my right side of my face. Waves of sting and pain volt through my face. People started screaming in fear. I attempted to holler in pain, but no sound came out. My body dropped onto the ground then I soon plummet to darkness. The authorities were called. The droid girl was identified as Aral Phise. Collette was rushed to the hospital. No one will forget what happened on Collette's most grim birthday of her life.
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