F.F.G-chapter 2
Read Count : 140
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
The screams awaken the entire village. The sound as shrill as a thousand banshee. Young Thomas McCarthy rushes to his parents bed in fear; his mother writhing and crying out on the small mattress. Patrick McCarthy steadily wipes his wifes' brow with a wet rag and whispers soothing words into her ear to calm her. She screams again and Thomas grips his father's leg in fear. "Not now, boy," Patrick snaps, shaking him off. "Do something useful and go get some more water, yes?" Thomas doesn't want to leave his mother's side but he nods and rushes off with the empty pail. He runs through the dark field behind their home, stumbles over roots and loose stones, runs into spiders sticky taps, and finally arrives at the well. He lowers the pail as quickly as he can, allowing the large pail to fill. He then struggles with small shaking hands to pull it back out and then haul its heavy contents back to the home. "What took you so damned long, boy," Patrick snarls when he returns, snatching the pail from the quivering boys arms, and managing to splash a good bit of chilled water on him. "Is mother okay," his small voice asks quietly. "Don't you worry none about that. She will be fine," Patrick grumbles as he stomps away. The boy rushes to his parents room again, but the door is slammed shut, barring him out. He trembles with fear and sadness, scared for his mother. He sits in front if the door out of defiance crying into his arms. Soon, many of the other villagers begin arriving to inspect the commotion. Thomas gets swept away to another house by others whom wish to spare the boy any trauma. He protests and cries and begs for his mother, and the younger women of the village try to comfort him as best they can, covering his small ears from the screams of pain. He silently prays to his parent's God for help. Begging him to save his mother; to ease her pain. Hours seem like years to the child until finally the screams stop and he gazes in wonder towards his home. Through his tears he watches as a bright figure with large wings appears at their doorway and enters. Seconds later there is a gunshot and people scream and gasp in horror and fear. He stares, awaiting to see the creature again, but it never returns. Unknown to the child at that time, his father had taken his own life, unwilling to raise his child on his own. He falls asleep in the arms of his protecter, head on her bosom, dreaming of the beautiful creature in his home taking his mother and father away to another, better place.
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