Eyes Have It Read Count : 108

Category : Articles

Sub Category : N/A
    Having realized that my own nephews were not, in fact, necessarily responsible for what happened to me, I am still left answerless as to exactly "who" it may be. More writing later...
    Finally, after over 700 days and nights of being forced to wonder aimlessly without answers, made to wander from city to town and back again, I can finally say, self-assuredly, that I have evidence: undeniable proof that someone did something to my eyes that causes myself to appear entirely different in photographs. This proof can, in fact, be further substantiated by measurements that will, once gathered, found a substantial scientific basis to properly present such evidence in a court of law. Once in the courtroom, I can even provide demonstrations for the jury, showing all present [in the room] just how it is impossible to collect such photographic remains from (a) the position in which I stand (b) in relation to the location of optical focus into the mirror (c) from the placement of the [phone] camera lens. 
How did I encounter such necessary evidentiary proof? I stood in front of a mirror; I took pictures of myself standing there; one after another, the pictures revealed thus: though I looked directly into the mirror, starring straight ahead, the pictures capture my eyes as though I am looking above my own straight stare. Having figured out that I only needed to use my camera phone, bathroom lighting, and a mirror to finalize the propositional proof needed for prosecution, now I am left to investigate further into this situation.
Investigation is necessary in order to determine who might be at fault, and therefore responsible, for such consequences of an optical (and, most likely, experimental) paradox from which I now am entirely inescapable. Clearly, I have been made even further handicapped than previously was proven by doctors and experts in various fields of psychology since my first counseling session in 1997. Additionally, though those phsyically-challenging disabilities from which I suffer are difficult to deal with daily, this above formentioned circumstance (of optical and possibly cerebral origin) is one which, as of yet, has absolutely no solid identification as to "how" it came about, "where" it occurred, "who" was involved when it happened, "why" it was ever even allowed to occur, or precisely "when" such experimentation occurred. Feeling nauseous, I must stop typing now.


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