The Legend Of Kyra: Chapter 2 Read Count : 129

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Chapter 2: Searoen and Cinders

          "What are you doing? Get me out!" I shouted. It was no use. I was carried in a bag for a good ten minutes when I got dumped out."Welcome." An old man with a gray beard said."We had to put you in the bag or you would have escaped." He explained.

         I decided that I probably shouldn't get mad and asked where I was."You are in Kyra." Said the old man."I am Searoen." Then I saw a phoenix behind him."Who's that?" I asked. I was surprised when the phoenix said,"I am she called Cinders." 

          "We will discuss more details over lunch." Said the man. A guard set out three plates. Mine and Searoen's had a steak, mashed potatoes, and tea on the side. Cinders got fish and water to drink."So why did the guards bring me here?" I asked."Did I forget to mention?" Asked Searoen."Kyra is about to be destroyed by skewers.


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