Storm☇ Division I Read Count : 189

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
The Only Cyborg

My biological father was a cynoid while my mother was a human. They met when father was on Ry-2, another Earth-like planet. My father, Erzo Digit, was taking a break from leading the training course with the military recruits. She had a face of the opulent Princess Belle with a flowing healthy brunette hair waves and her eyes filled with baby blue. The moment he noticed her, it felt like that they were soul mates. "Her eyes were full of youth and she flamed me from the cold." Months had elapsed before getting engaged. Father had retired then they got married. Soon, mother, Zephyrine, became pregnant with me.

Scientists tried tests upon children with machine codings genetically engineered, however, most of them had died. The machine side of them was too excessive for them to endure. It destroyed them from within, DNA was mutated and the receptors were different from the hormones which resulted in nerve miscommunications. The child would be considered to be lucky if they die at the age of five.

Scientists were alarmed at the results and tried to banned machines reproducing with humans, however, it was revoked. Seventy-five percent of the population sticked to their species and reproduced by mating. Humans and machines usually split before they could try to.

My parents were divergent to the data, they loved each other and I was welcomed into the world. They warned my parents I wouldn't be alive soon because I was half cynoid, half human.

Boy, they were sure wrong! 

After fifteen years of my life, I'd never had a problem with my interior and I am still alive! I am now one of the studious kids in Stormalite Senior Academy, a high school. Scientists and doctors examined my own schematic. My cyborg was upon flesh, nerves, and some part of organs. My human side was able to stick to it like puzzle pieces. I was able to gain energy by food or charging myself on the Bed Pod, a self charging as you lay upon it. Your energy lasts longer and is more powerful. Both my human and cynoid side was at libra of strength and tolerance.

"We're proud to have you alive, Collette Digit," my doctor always tell me. "You're a divergent compare to the rest of the half humans. They'd barely last even half of a decade." I pondered whether or not that I should be ecstatic. Sure, that I am only the half machine on Stormalite and possibly one in the entire cosmos, but it's not fair for those who didn't make it because they're just like me.

My neighbors, my family, and my friends call me by the name of Storm. I never had the velocity as lightning, strong as the wind, and the roar as the thunder. It was a hackneyed nickname. One thing I was prosperous for was my intelligence: high honours in my classes and memory.

We are closing in on the eve of my birthday at 8:43 p.m on Lural (June)18, 2801 and of course, abundance of academy knew we are closing in on it. They usually gave me a birthday crown and gown to wear and I'd admit that it was the most dolly, yet humorous days of my life. When I get home, my father and mother always playfully smash my head into a large mint cake and holler: "Happy Birthday!"

I was lucky to be born on Stormalite, not Earadon, Earth, nor Kepler 186f. Earadon has a demagogue roaming around, enslaving everyone. People on Earth are still suffering from heavy pollution while Kepler 186f got hit by an asteroid, thus we aren't going to contact with them for a while. Pragmatically, luck doesn't last forever. It will be soon our turn to hit the cons.

    My luck was halted after an agonizing wave of adversity.  


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