Jack The Ripper Read Count : 148

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
                    Jack The Ripper

  "Such a peaceful night in this dark country of England. Rather beautiful underneath this starry sky. The wind through this alley, is suttle yet with a bite.Oh, what a perfect night." Jack implies.

    "There comes a passerby, is this the one who will feel my blade scrape deeply into there throat? Or perhaps that small child over there, bumbling along without his mother. Maybe, perhaps, that young beautiful woman whom I seen pass by earlier. I could easily follow her home. So so many choices, but which one shall I choose?" Jack thought to himself.
    "I think it would be best to follow the young lady for a bit." "Maybe she will walk into an alley to get home sooner." Jack thought, before he decided to trail this lady. "What magnificent blonde hair! Such starry eyes, all full of life." "And that dress would melt anyone to the core." "Oh, how long can I wait before my blade rips through her jugular and just passed her trachea?" "Ten seconds, twenty perchance?"

     "It feels like forever to me...wait is she walking into that alley?" "Perfect time, perfect time indeed." Jack walks stalkingly behind this woman biding what little time he can to resist his sick urge. She stops and turns around. Jack lunges. She falls with Jack on top of her. She trys to scream, but the ripper placed his hand over her mouth. All that is heard is the eerie sound of the wind whistling through the alley.

    Jack lowers his blade ever so slowly towards the lady's throat. Inch by inch, closer and closer he draws. The woman begins to cry and make muffled pleas. Jack coos her, "it will be all ok milady, have no fear you will cease to exist soon enough." "Then the pain that this world has placed bearingly upon your shoulders, will be lifted." The lady tries to scream one more time before Jack swiftly and effortlessly slices her neck. 

    "No blood splatter anywhere, what a perfect thing!" I don't have to cover up this righteous deed." He looks into the struggling, almost lifeless, eyes of the lady. He says to her," It is ok milady, nothing will bother you anymore." "Sleep a deep and forever sleep." With these final words the lady gives her last blood-filled breath. "That is right now, go to freedom and be free." Jack says whisperingly. "Well on to the next pained soul I suppose, wonder if i should help that small child find his mother?" Jack thought as he walked quietly and gingerly out of the alley.


  • nice

    Jun 30, 2018

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